Coffee review

Three factors contributing to the Fine Coffee of Kenya (kenya specialty coffee)

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There are many success factors for a country, an enterprise and a person. The seemingly ever-changing external environment and elusive internal factors promote success and hinder success. But the real success factor is actually very simple to grasp the most advantageous external factors, while maximize their own advantages to maximize the combination of the two to the extreme. Kenyan coffee is good.

铸就肯尼亚精品咖啡(kenya wbrspecialty wbrcoffee)的三个因素

There are many success factors for a country, an enterprise, and a person. The seemingly ever-changing external environment and elusive internal factors-factors that promote success and those that hinder success-eliminate each other. But the real success factor is actually very simple-- seize the most advantageous external factors, while maximizing your own advantages-- bring the combination of the two to the extreme.

Kenyan coffee is a case in point.

Kenyan coffee has become one of the world's top coffees in less than 100 years, and its quality has been recognized by the industry. Why?

First, the ideal topography, climate and soil conditions.

Second, the transplanted coffee varieties have been developed locally and fully adapted to the local environment.

Third, the state-managed coffee auction system, which has a history of 80 years, plays a very active role in connecting coffee buyers and producers.

These three are the so-called climate, geography, people and also.

And the Kenyan boutique coffee made by such factors also shocked people's taste buds, why?

Kenyan concise and strong personality: red wine, strong acidity, creamy mellow and rich taste.

Who can easily erase the memory brought by this kind of taste shock after drinking?