Coffee review

Is the caffeine content of Blue Mountain Coffee High? is Blue Mountain Coffee beans bitter to make espresso?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Communication of professional baristas Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the habit of one cup of coffee a day has become one of the living habits of many people nowadays, and drinking moderate amount of pure coffee with extremely low calories not only has no burden on the body, but also can promote metabolism. But now the rise of a lot of flavored coffee makes it

For professional baristas, please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Blue Mountain Coffee Flavor: real Blue Mountain Coffee is made from the best local raw coffee beans, which is the fun of tasters. Its flavor is rich, balanced, fruity and sour, and can meet people's various needs. In addition, the high-quality fresh Blue Mountain coffee has a long-lasting flavor, as drinkers say, with a lingering aftertaste.

True Blue Mountain, the best Blue Mountain Coffee is undoubtedly one of the best coffee. Although the price can ensure an adequate supply of Blue Mountain coffee, it does not guarantee the best flavor of the coffee. Also, this kind of coffee tastes much more expensive than it looks. If you want to taste its best flavor, you have to put more coffee beans than other coffee, otherwise the flavor will be a little different, so the flavor is that it has 10% to 15% more coffee beans than the coffee whose price is inferior to it.

The real Blue Mountain Coffee is made from the best local raw coffee beans, which is the fun of tasters. Its flavor is rich, balanced, fruity and sour, and can meet people's various needs. In addition, the high-quality fresh Blue Mountain coffee has a long-lasting flavor, as drinkers say, with a lingering aftertaste.

The best blue mountain coffee beans are NO.1 peaberry, also known as pearl beans, which are carefully selected among products at an altitude of 2100 meters.

A round bean, the best of the boutique.

The particles are fuller.

Baking, medium baking

The caffeine content of Blue Mountain Coffee is very low, which is less than half of that of other coffees, which is in line with the modern concept of health.