Coffee review

There are two kinds of coffee: single coffee and espresso.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The world of coffee is mainly divided into two types, one is individual coffee such as Blue Mountain and Manning, which is mostly divided by region, and the other is Italian coffee based on espresso.

There are two kinds of coffee: single coffee and espresso.

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When it comes to coffee, everyone must be confused about the dazzling variety of coffee on the market. For example, Brown coffee first out of Blue Mountain, Mantenin, and then out of a cappuccino, latte, so what on earth is these coffee?

In fact, the world of coffee is mainly divided into two kinds, one is individual coffee such as Blue Mountain and Manning, which is mostly divided by region, and the other is Italian coffee based on espresso.

First, individual coffee

This coffee, usually named after beans produced in a single producing area, is listed below:

1. Blue Mountain Coffee

Produced in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Its caffeine content is very low, less than half of the coffee from other producing areas, and the unique flavor of "Blue Mountain Coffee" is related to the unique geographical location and climatic conditions of the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica.

In the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, there is fertile new volcanic soil, fresh air and almost no pollution. It rains all the year round and there is a big temperature difference between day and night in this area. Because of the special geographical environment here, every afternoon, clouds cover the top of the Blue Mountain, not only blocking the sun for coffee trees, but also bringing abundant water vapor. Blue Mountain Coffee is based on such geographical location. The taste and aroma of Blue Mountain Coffee is unique to coffee produced all over the world. Not all the coffee produced in the whole Blue Mountain area can be called Blue Mountain Coffee. Only the coffee grown in the Blue Mountain area above 1800 meters above sea level can be called Blue Mountain Coffee.

The coffee beans produced in the lower blue mountains can only be named "Jamaican alpine coffee" rather than "Jamaican blue mountain coffee" because of the quality difference.

Because the climate, soil, and air of the Blue Mountain area are suitable, the seedlings of the same Blue Mountain species are transplanted to places with similar climates, such as Hawaii, Kenya, and Babuya, and the quality produced cannot compare with the real "Blue Mountain Coffee."

2. Manning Coffee

In addition to the "Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee", the "Mantenin" coffee produced on the Indonesian island of Sumatra is also very popular with Taiwan consumers. According to the investigation, "Mantenin" is actually the name of a local race in Sumatra. Coffee has been grown in Sumatra, Indonesia since the 18th century, but it has not been noticed by the outside world. In the 1950s, Japanese soldiers stationed there accidentally drank coffee from local Sumatra and asked coffee vendors about the name of the coffee. The vendors mistakenly thought that Japanese soldiers asked "what nationality are you?" so they answered "Manning."

This allusion gives "Sumatra" coffee the name "Manning" that more people call it. The Japanese trading company was the first major customer to operate "Manning" coffee. Japanese businessmen not only buy the "manning" coffee produced on the "Sumatra" island, but also refine the Sumatran coffee. The "Sumatran manning" cultivated by Japan is a delicate production management program has a new name-"Golden Manning".

In order to ensure the quality of the "Golden Manning" made by the Japanese in the Toba Lake District, "Golden Manning" is harvested by hand, and then the Japanese-style meticulous processing procedure is used to improve the quality of "Sumatra Mantenin". Let "Sumatra manning" in addition to the general mantenin coffee should have a strong rough wilderness aroma, but also a Japanese-style elegant flavor. Top gold Mantenin coffee through the continuous debugging and efforts of the expert team, the achievement of a more round, mellow, thicker export feel of the finest "Sumatran Gold Manning". Mantenin belongs to deep-roasted coffee beans, full-bodied, thick and mellow, suitable for sweet and bitter taste, almost no sour taste, is the best choice for tasting heavy-flavored coffee.

3. Brazilian coffee

The best selection of coffee beans produced by Brazil, a big exporter of coffee beans, is called "Brazilian coffee". The taste of "Brazilian coffee" has a strong sour taste, coupled with the original sweet and bitter taste of coffee, the entrance is very smooth, and with a hint of grass aroma. in the fragrance is slightly bitter, smooth and smooth, is acceptable to most people.

4. Mamba Coffee

Mamba Coffee is a mixture of Manning Coffee and Brazilian Coffee (Man2ba 1 or Man3ba 1). "Mantenin" is a deep-roasted coffee bean with a strong flavor, while "Brazilian coffee" is lightly roasted with a neutral and slightly sour taste, so the mixture of "Mantenin" and "Brazilian coffee" has a complementary effect, which not only has a strong taste of "Mantenin", but also has the sweet and pure flavor of "Brazilian coffee".

These coffees are mainly in pursuit of the flavor of a single coffee bean. Different regions, different climates, different soils, different coffee tree species and different treatment methods of raw coffee beans will affect the taste of coffee beans. And people want to drink individual coffee in order to drink the unique taste of different producing areas. These coffees are usually brewed using Saifeng (siphon), hand brewing, American coffee maker or French filter press, etc., and about 10 grams of coffee powder is used to brew about 120cc coffee in a cup.

In the early days of Taiwan, cafes used racing style to cook more. When brewing, you can see that the plain boiled water that was originally clean in the pot will be sucked into the upper pot, and after a while, you can see the coffee that has turned brown into the pot, full of visual effects. The control of firepower and the timing and method of stirring are the key to brewing good coffee.

Another common way to brew coffee is by hand, that is, using a filter cup to spread a layer of filter paper before loading the coffee powder, and then pour hot water on the coffee powder with a fine kettle. At this time, the control of the water thickness directly affects whether the brewed coffee is good or not. Although it may seem like a simple action, but the control of good or bad, brewing coffee taste is very different, I think his game style needs higher brewing skills.

II. Espresso

Espresso is called Italian because espresso, a way of making coffee quickly, was invented by the Italians. And in Italy, Italian concentrate is like our pearl milk tea, or even more like the necessities of life, because they may drink several cups a day, which can improve work efficiency. But we drink pearl milk tea every day, we must die of fat. The coffee used in espresso is usually a mixture of more than two or three kinds of coffee beans, mainly because Italians believe that a single coffee bean cannot have a balanced taste (on the one hand, it is also because of the way it is brewed). Therefore, we usually use more than three kinds of coffee beans to make a balanced Italian coffee bean formulation. at present, most of the Italian coffee on the market uses mixed beans.

Espresso is based on espresso, while espresso uses an espresso machine, "brewing about 25--30cc coffee in about 30 seconds using about 85 Murray 95 degrees C water and 7 grams of coffee powder at 8 Murray 9 atmospheric pressure.

Among them, the amount of powder is quite controversial. Some people think that 7 grams will be overextracted, but 14 grams is recommended. In any case, espresso is only about 30cc coffee, the taste is extremely strong and strong, good espresso taste can last for dozens of minutes (of course, mocha pot coffee can also be called espresso, not limited to the use of Italian coffee machine).

After brewing espresso with more than a hundred cc of milk foam, it is made into coffee with milk about 150cc, also known as cappuccino cappuccino.

When espresso was introduced to the United States, in order to satisfy the psychology of Big Brother in the United States, the drink was also a big cup, so more milk was added, which now became the "latte" in the streets, and the word latte means milk in Italy. If espresso is added with hot water, it will become what people call American coffee.

However, except for coffee players, it should be very unenjoyable to ask Americans to drink only that small cup of 30cc coffee, so their lattes are very large, and even cappuccinos have become bigger, causing Italians to call for the rectification of cappuccino recently. The cappuccino specification released by the Italian National espresso Association: the size of a cappuccino should be only 150ml. It is a mixture of 120ml steam-heated milk and 25ml espresso. Milk must be at least 3.2% protein and 3.5% fat, and the milk steam must be heated to 55 degrees Celsius.

In addition, the knowledge of espresso is so deep that just one coffee powder can waste tens to hundreds of grams of coffee beans and precious business time, the coffee powder is good or not, and the espresso taste can make you wander between heaven and hell. What's more, there are powder quantity, brewing temperature, brewing pressure, filling pressure channel, filling method and so on. There are many things to study. Maybe this is the fun place of coffee.