Coffee review

How many kinds of coffee are there? what's the difference in taste and flavor of different kinds of coffee beans?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) there are many kinds of coffee in Italy, but there are different tastes in different regions, we can divide them according to the mixing ratio of Arabica and Robusta. Generally speaking, in northern Italy, people prefer Elaraby.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

There are many kinds of coffee in Italy, but there are different tastes in different regions, which can be divided according to the mixing ratio of Arabica and Robusta. Generally speaking, in northern Italy, people prefer the sweet taste of Arabica coffee with a little sour taste, while in Robusta coffee with a strong bitter taste is more popular with consumers.

Regardless of the type of coffee, this dark brown drink can stimulate nerves if consumed in the right amount, but if caffeine is consumed too much, it will not only fail to play its basic role, but may even affect human health. To avoid excessive caffeine intake, Caff è Decaffeinato with low caffeine content is popular with consumers. This kind of coffee is usually used to remove most of the caffeine from fresh beans by pressing them with 100-120 degrees high-temperature steam and then extracting them with dichloromethane or carbon dioxide.

Espresso. Traditional espresso is extracted from extremely hot but not boiling hot water by high pressure brewing and grinding into a very fine coffee powder. The standard Italian espresso has a volume of 30 milliliters (a deviation of only 5 milliliters) and a cooking time of 25 seconds. As a result of not adding a lot of water for dilution, Italian concentration is higher, bitter taste and strong fragrance.

Cafe Americano. A type of coffee made from espresso with hot water, usually 1:4 or 1:5. This is the simplest and most common kind of coffee.

Cold coffee. Made with cold water extraction, compared with ordinary coffee, the taste is somewhat different.

Latte. A classic coffee made from espresso with milk. The Italian latte is plain milk and coffee, while the American latte replaces part of the milk with milk foam.

Cappuccino. Cappuccino is one of the most popular classic coffee all over the world. it is made of espresso with milk and foam. In a traditional cappuccino, the ratio of coffee, milk and foam is 1:1:1, but it's a little different now, but it's still a mixture of coffee and milk, just a little foamy and healthier.

Mocha. The most common mocha in cafes is a mixture of espresso, hot milk chocolate sauce and whipped cream. The mellow bitterness of coffee mixed with milk cream and chocolate is a rich taste of mellow, greasy palatability, bitterness and sweetness, which is welcomed by many people.

Caramel macchiato. The drink is made by adding espresso to hot milk and sprinkling it with caramel sauce. Delicate and sweet milk foam can cushion the bitter impact of espresso, which contains a lot of caramel sauce and high sugar content, so people who want to control blood sugar and weight should drink less.

White coffee. White coffee does not mean that the color of the coffee is white, but the coffee is made from high-grade coffee beans and skimmed cream by special processing. It has a pure taste, glycol aroma, and is lighter and softer than ordinary coffee.

Ice drink fancy coffee. There is also a lot of iced coffee on the market, which is usually mixed with milk, mixed with syrup and put in ice cubes. This kind of coffee generally tastes better and is popular with young people. Because of the addition of milk and sugar, people who want to control their weight drink as little as possible.

Finally, we need to remind everyone that the "two-in-one" and "three-in-one" instant coffee sold on the market has been classified as an "unhealthy drink" due to the addition of large amounts of plant fat powder and sugar, and should drink less of this kind of coffee.