Coffee review

What is Cat shit Coffee beans suitable for? how should I drink coffee Kopi Luwak?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Product name: Kopi Luwak Kopi Luwak Origin: Indonesia Indonesia Grade: description: for a coffee fan, it is not a dream to drink a cup of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, but to be able to drink a cup of "Kopi Luwak" (civet Coffee) is really unprecedented in this life.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Product name: Kopi Luwak Kopi Luwak

Origin: Indonesia Indonesia


Explanation: for a coffee fan, drinking a cup of Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is not a dream, but drinking a cup of "Kopi Luwak" (civet coffee) is a lifetime without regret. The global output of the scarce "Kopi Luwak" does not exceed 120lb a year. Retail prices in North America and Europe cost more than NT $20,000 a pound. If you only crave one cup, the first "Kopi Luwak" will cost NT$3600, and the second will be as high as NT$2500. What's so special about this rare coffee-"Kopi Luwak"? There is a kind of wild musk cat named Luwak in the mountains of Indonesia, which likes to eat ripe coffee fruit with fat and multi-oars, but the hard hard nut (raw bean) cannot be digested. It is excreted with feces, washed and becomes a "Kopi Luwak" coffee raw bean! Therefore, many people call it "cat shit" coffee.

Indonesians find that the coffee beans fermented by the civets' intestines and stomach are very thick and mellow, so they collect civets' feces, sift out the coffee beans and brew them to drink. Because the yield is rare and the fermentation process is unique, the flavor is very different from that of ordinary coffee. Traditionally, coffee fruit is washed or sun-treated to remove the peel, pulp and sheep skin, and finally take out the coffee beans. However, Luwak uses natural fermentation in the body to remove the coffee beans, so it has a special flavor. General coffee in the second bubble will not only taste bad, but also not so strong, but Kopi Luwak can be boiled to the third bubble, each cup taste is different, the only thing in common is that it still retains the flavor of Luwak. This "cat shit" coffee, which is 10 times more expensive than Blue Mountain coffee, is always full of smelly men, and the price is still high. As a result, it has become a difficult and expensive cup of coffee in the world.

This batch of Kopi Luwak is wild civet coffee. Wild civets will find their own food to find the most mature coffee to eat, unlike captive civets, because of the poor environment, it is easy to eat civets that only eat coffee picked by humans. In the long run, civets get sick or even die. Therefore, captive civets are easy to cause the most important "digestive enzymes" in their bodies to be killed by bad bacteria because the civets themselves are unhealthy. They cannot convert the most important enzymes to coffee, or even produce toxins. So please try not to eat captive civets coffee.

How on earth should Kopi Luwak be cooked?

There are many popular methods, no matter how you cook it, as long as you feel it tastes good and acceptable, civet coffee is suitable for all kinds of cooking methods, but considering that the most precious enzyme in civet coffee is not damaged by high temperature, Mr. Coffee is most recommended to make it by hand at a low temperature (no more than 85 degrees) or by ice drop. Of course. In other ways, you can still taste the rich and varied taste of civet coffee.

Key points for hand-made coffee:

The degree of grinding is about 2 / 2. 5 and the ratio of 1 / 12 / 15 / 15, and the water temperature is not more than 85 degrees Celsius (fresh period). Be sure to finish cooking when fresh.

Pay attention to the main points of iced coffee

The grinding degree is about 1.5 × 2, brewing time is about 3'4 hours, and the brewing time is at least 30 grams at a time, with a ratio of 1: 10 to 1: 15.

Kopi Luwak tasting

Taste: with a small mouth between the tongue, gently turn the tongue, slowly swallow, feel the change of coffee in the mouth

Olfactory method:

One. Dry incense: put the ground coffee powder in a small container, take a hard breath on the edge of the nose, hold your breath for 3 seconds, then slowly exhale the air through the nose, and try several more times to distinguish the changes in different levels of coffee powder.

Two. Wet fragrance: take a small breath (a bit like eating ramen, mixing coffee with air to release more aromatic particles) and then exhale the inhaled air through your nose (please be careful not to choke)

The wonderful use of coffee grounds

As civet coffee contains a lot of enzymes, it has a tight effect on skin maintenance, so don't throw away the coffee grounds after brewing.

Practice: mix the brewed coffee grounds with an egg yolk and a small amount of peak honey and apply directly to your face for 10 minutes, (not for too long) immediately make you feel the skin on your face has a delicate and tight feeling.