Coffee review

Stainless steel conical knife hand coffee mill capable of making espresso

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The stainless steel cone knife hand-operated coffee mill that can make Italian espresso coffee must be rare; in the past, the hand-operated coffee mill was the German hand-ground Turkish coffee mill, but it did not reach the fineness and uniformity of coffee powder that can make espresso coffee. Stainless steel cone knife hand mill, esp grinding powder completely no problem, really is a artifact, will soon land on the mainland.

It must be rare to make a stainless steel cone knife hand coffee mill for Italian espresso espresso. In the past, the strong hand coffee mill was the German hand mill Turkish coffee mill, but it did not reach the level of fineness and evenness of the coffee powder that could be used to make espresso.

Stainless steel taper knife hand grinding, esp grinding powder is no problem at all, it is really an artifact, is about to land on the mainland.

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It is said that this hand coffee mill works very well, but it takes a little longer to grind the fine coffee powder of Italian espresso, so it is easy to grind.