Coffee review

The baking method of Arabica has the value of how many types of Arabica are named.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) coffee bean naming method? Coffee trees are mainly divided into Arabica (Coffee Arabica) and Robusta (Coffee Robusta). Robusta coffee beans are round and straight in shape, poor in taste and cheap in price, so they are mostly used to make them.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

How do coffee beans get named?

Coffee trees are mainly divided into Arabica species (Coffee Arabica), Robusta species (Coffee Robusta), Robusta tree coffee beans are round and straight, taste poorer, the price is also cheap, mostly used to make canned or instant coffee. Arabica coffee beans are oval in shape, groove twists and turns, rich in flavor layers, so the most exquisite manor coffee is planted Arabica coffee trees.

Although it is the same kind of Arabica coffee tree, but planted in different places, due to the influence of weather, soil, etc., it will produce completely different flavors. Therefore, experts are accustomed to naming coffee beans with strong flavor or important distribution centers, such as Mantenin, Blue Mountain, etc. Mantenin refers to the superior coffee beans of Sumatra Island in Indonesia. Because the local ethnic name is Mantenin, it is widely used. Blue Mountain Coffee is the top coffee bean produced in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica in the Caribbean Sea.

Arabica is generally used as a single-serve or boutique coffee, while Robusta is used as an instant coffee. Although Arabica can be defined as premium coffee and Robusta as secondary, it does not have to be classified as such, and it is more appropriate to distinguish it according to your preferred taste. In terms of taste orientation, the United States and Japan drink Arabica brewed weak coffee more often, while Europe prefers Arabica mixed with Robusta espresso.

In many TV commercials, coffee shops, convenience stores, etc., you can see the words "pure Arabica coffee beans", many people are very curious, what is Arabica coffee beans? There are three main types of coffee beans in the world, but there are only two main types of coffee beans that are truly commercially valuable and planted in large quantities, one is Arabica (ARABICA) and Robusta (KOBUSTA).

Arabica coffee accounts for 75% of the world, because it needs to be planted on inclined slopes at high altitudes, harvesting must be carried out manually climbing up and down the ground, it is more difficult to plant, but because Arabica coffee beans have rich aroma, mild taste and uniform oil distribution, caffeine content is also less, so even if it is relatively difficult to plant and obtain, it does not affect the world's love for it.

Robbs special coffee tree high temperature and cold resistance, its adaptability is very strong, in the flat can grow very well, harvest does not have to be artificial, can be carried out by machine. Robbs special coffee has no aroma, bitter taste is also stronger, caffeine content is more than twice that of Arabica, so the general instant coffee or breakfast shop coffee, mostly belong to Robbs!

Arabica: expensive, soft, low in caffeine

Coffee beans are mainly produced in Africa, Southeast Asia and Central and South America. There are four main types of baking methods:

. Light or pale roast: Light roast retains the delicate taste and aroma of coffee beans. Breakfast time is suitable for drinking light roast coffee beans. Add milk to add flavor.

. Medium roast: suitable for coffee beans with strong smell, in order to make strong coffee.

. Full roast: Suitable for coffee beans with strong acidity.

. Double roast (double or high roast): commonly known as "after-dinner coffee", more suitable for drinking black coffee, but with the choice of coffee beans to do double roast is simply outrageous, because double roast will make the original taste and aroma loss, accentuating the roast aroma.