Coffee review

Coffee beans are fat and thin: flat beans, round beans, elephant beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Flat beans (or lentils, flat beans): usually we buy coffee beans, one side is flat, there is a crack on it, this is the coffee cherry in the two seeds (that is, coffee beans) side; this kind of normal beans, we call flat beans (or lentils, flat beans). Round beans (peaberry): some berries contain only one seed, which will fill the whole coffee


Flat beans (or lentils, flat beans): Usually we buy coffee beans, one side is flat, there is a crack, this is the coffee cherry in the two seeds (that is, coffee beans) attached to the side; this normal beans, we call flat beans (or lentils, flat beans).

Peaberry: Some berries contain only one seed, which fills the interior of the coffee berry and looks like two smaller flat beans stuck together; this bean is called peaberry and often appears on the top of young coffee trees. Usually a packet of coffee beans will be more or less mixed with some round beans, like Ethiopia's beans inside a pile. But there are also round beans specifically singled out for sale. Tanzania Peaberry is the most commonly seen on the Internet. Kenya Peaberry is also common. Hawaii is also very common. As far as I know, although some people think that round beans are more fragrant, the mainstream opinion is that there is no difference between taste and flat beans, and round beans are more expensive only because they are produced less. However, in roasting coffee beans, round beans will roll around and bake faster and more evenly, which may affect the taste; round beans are usually shorter than flat beans of the same tree, which may make round beans more fragrant and compact-of course, it may also be malnutrition.

Maragogype Now that we're talking about size, let's mention Maragogipe. I have seen some cafes offer national treasures such as Blue Mountain or Marago Gippe, which are a bit scary, but I can't find similar place names on the map of Jamaica or Colombia. Although the name Maragogype is in Brazil, the term can refer to any kind of elephant bean, just the name of a bean seed. This so-called national treasure Blue Mountain is nothing but a gimmick to deceive people.