Coffee review

Coffee Flavors Technical Terms Coffee Flavors 1500 Coffee Flavors Acidity Aroma

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to Coffee Workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Coffee flavor has a technical term The Specialty Coffee Association of America has created a flavor wheel for roasters to evaluate the characteristics and defects of fine coffee, including apricot flavor or roasting

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

There is a technical term for coffee flavor.

The American Fine Coffee Association (Specialty Coffee Association of America) has created a flavor wheel (flavor wheel) for bakers to assess the features and shortcomings of boutique coffee, including positive comments such as "apricot flavor" or "roasted chocolate flavor" and negative reviews such as "hardening" or "straw flavor".

Coffee has more flavor than wine.

There are about 1500 aroma characteristics of coffee, while only 200 are found in red wine.

Coffee has a unique aroma.

Inborn, but also closely related to roasting and so on. What is the flavor substance in coffee? How to taste and study the taste and quality of coffee

First of all, I would like to introduce to you a little bit about the raw coffee beans and the flavor words we can feel under different roasting modes. The author does not mention those words that are too technical or sensory evaluation, but only mention the most important and widely used flavor defects that describe the performance of the cup, as well as the defective flavor words that may be caused by improper handling of raw coffee beans at various stages, such as over-fermentation, mildew, sack and so on. The author will not skip some self-evident simple flavor words, such as rich, floral, palatable, yellow cream-like, and other similar words and so on.

The first three flavor words introduced are almost universal and will be mentioned all over the world when evaluating the characteristics of coffee beans: Acidity, Body (commonly known as mellow or taste in Chinese), and wet aroma (Aroma). These are the most basic words to evaluate the flavor of coffee beans. If you don't use these three words, you can't start to evaluate the flavor of coffee beans. The relative words that follow these three words are not so common, and there may be different nouns to represent professional cup tests in different regions. With the increasing number of flavor-related words, the author is here to integrate the old flavor description words, as well as the new words borrowed from red wine and other tasting terms.

Acidity (Acidity/Acidy): one of the most important items in coffee tasting, and usually the most misunderstood word. The acidity of coffee is not the acidity or sour smell of acidity and alkalinity, but describes a lively, bright flavor, which is somewhat similar to the dryness of wine tasting. The lack of acidity of coffee beans is tantamount to being lifeless and tastes empty and boring. Acidity has many different characteristics, which are the main basis for distinguishing coffee beans from different places, such as those from Yemen and those from East Africa (such as Kenya and Zimbabwe). Its acidity is characterized by an impressive fruity aroma and a red wine-like texture. The deeper a coffee bean is roasted, its acidity decreases, but if a coffee bean with high acidity is roasted deeply, it will show more sharpness and irritation.

Body/Mouthfeel: stickiness refers to the weight of coffee soup to the mouth, while taste refers to the texture of coffee soup to the mouth, like the following words: yellow cream, sand, grease, smooth, thin, watery, non-greasy, or astringent. Stickiness is actually a feeling, and although it is related to the amount of solid particles dissolved in water, it is more difficult to distinguish the degree by "quantitative" method.