Coffee review

And coffee is innocent! Coffee fans should be familiar with the misunderstanding of drinking coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Coffee drinkers are always partial to coffee. Sometimes when they hear bad things about coffee in the mouth of their colleagues in the "coffee" abstinent camp, they can't help filtering them, they may advise you hard, intentionally or unintentionally inculcate you with the fault of drinking coffee. Why not?

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Coffee drinkers are always partial to coffee, and sometimes when they hear bad things about coffee in the mouth of their colleagues in the "coffee" abstinent camp, they can't help but filter them, and they may persuade you hard. Intentionally or unintentionally inculcate you with coffee drinking. Why not take the initiative to learn more about coffee while enjoying the aroma of coffee, look at these fallacies about drinking coffee, and "give it back" to those who advise you not to drink coffee in the future!

Coffee is good. "Dry"?

Think too much, many people know that coffee is good for urine, caffeine helps urinate, if you drink a cup of coffee in the morning, you don't have to go to the bathroom for a while. It is said that it takes 1.5 cups of water to replenish the moisture in the body to drink a cup of coffee, but due to the roasting of coffee beans, the throat does have a chance to dry up after drinking coffee, but this has nothing to do with dehydration! On the contrary, some studies have pointed out that drinking a moderate amount of coffee has a more moisturizing effect, the reason is very simple. The main ingredient of coffee is water, and when drinking coffee, it also means that you are drinking water. In addition, there is caffeine in sunscreen and moisturizer for daily use. Therefore, coffee does not make individuals become dry, on the contrary, it has a moisturizing effect.

Coffee is bad for your health?

No, as long as the recommended daily intake is enough (no more than 500 milliliters), in fact, there have been studies in the United States that drinking coffee can reduce disease. drinking coffee every day may reduce the risk of liver cancer by 50% and the risk of dementia by as much as 50%. Studies have shown that as long as you drink one cup of coffee a day, you can reduce deaths from heart disease, stroke and cancer by 12%. However, for some people, including children and pregnant women, it is not appropriate to eat too much caffeinated food.

Coffee can be addictive?

This is a beautiful misunderstanding, as long as pay attention to the right amount at the right time will not happen. People who like to drink coffee may have a "heart addiction". In fact, they are only dependent on coffee and rely on the excitement that coffee brings to you. Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant that stimulates people's excitement. Caffeine helps to refresh the mind and fight fatigue, but coffee itself is not addictive, so stop wronging coffee.

Coffee in the morning is the best?

Wrong, many people wake up with a cup of coffee in the morning, but according to a recent study on YouTube's science channel ASAP Science, drinking coffee in the morning is actually one of the worst moments. Because our cortisol levels are quite high in the early morning, caffeine exposure in the morning interferes with the production of cortisol and relies on more caffeine to make up for it, creating a "vicious circle", commonly known as "addiction." Keep in mind that the best time to drink coffee is between 10:00 and 12:00 and between 2 and 5 p.m.

Will drinking coffee make you fat?

Not necessarily, the right amount of caffeine can promote kidney function, promote urination, help the body to expel excess sodium ions out of the body, effectively prevent edema, thus making people look slimmer, but remember to put less sugar and milk, you can consider skim milk or low-sugar milk instead of whole milk, or change the type of coffee consumed, such as hand-brewed coffee, individual coffee instead of Latte and Flat White, etc., to minimize the amount of sugar milk. In fact, the fatal cause of obesity caused by drinking coffee does not lie in the coffee itself, but in some coffee "companions", such as sugar, milk, seasonings, and so on. Generally speaking, it is healthier to choose hand-brewed coffee or individual coffee.

Drinking coffee will be "hot"?

No, I won't. Most people think that drinking coffee beans after roasting will make people angry, but if you drink coffee in the right amount, it will not be "hot." after some people have tried drinking coffee, the main reason for feeling "hot" is that they drink coffee instead of drinking too much water. Because coffee can promote the body's excretion (diuretic effect) and enhance metabolism, drinking coffee will lead to a lack of water in the body, resulting in a lack of water in the body, resulting in symptoms of hot gas. Therefore, as long as you drink more water after drinking coffee, it will help the body to double detoxify.