Coffee review

What kind of utensils do you need to make coffee by hand? what brand of hand pot do beginners use to make coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand-made coffee is interesting because it is "easy to learn but difficult to master". Although you can get started quickly through basic teaching or watching movies, in fact, different baristas have different brewing methods, and the angels are hidden in the details. Today, I would like to recommend it to the novice hand-brewing coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The interesting thing about making coffee by hand is that it is easy to learn but difficult to master. Although you can get started quickly through basic teaching or watching movies, in fact, different baristas have different brewing methods, and angels are hidden in the details. Today, I would like to recommend a combination of utensils for beginners of hand coffee: HARIO small cloud fine mouth hand brewing pot and transparent black coffee filter cup group, not only the price is very approachable, but also has the advantages of easy operation and full texture! This time, the backyard of Keelung Maru Kok, which has a deep Japanese style, is specially invited to demonstrate the actual operation process for us.

[HARIO] small Yunduo stainless steel thin mouth kettle (VKB-70HSV), which weighs about 330g and has a full water capacity of 700ml, is suitable for IH induction cooker. Lightweight and compact, suitable for women to use.

[HARIO] V60 clear black resin filter cup coffee pot (ESD-01TB-EX-M), glass pot is made of heat-resistant glass, heat-resistant temperature difference: 120℃, marked with a scale of 100mm 300ml. It is most suitable for brewing 1 to 2 coffees for 2 people.

20 grams of coffee powder

Grinding scale # 6 (small Fuji Ghost Tooth Bean Mill)

The temperature of boiling water is 90 °C

Steaming time for 30 seconds

The amount of water extracted is 200 ml

Recently, among the four key points of hand-brewing coffee, the concept of "high concentration and low extraction" has been mentioned, which has aroused a lot of extensive discussion. The usual method of Keelung Marujiao coffee is just in line with this concept. In order to achieve a clean and full-bodied taste, the focus is on the grinding scale. This time we use the Fujika R220 ghost tooth bean grinder, the scale is set at # 6. Compared with the usual scale of hand-brewed coffee at # 3 coffee 4, the coffee powder ground by this scale is quite thick.

I have shared with you before that there are two factors that affect the extraction rate, the grinding scale and the temperature of the boiling water. However, because the higher brewing water temperature can bring us better coffee aroma, we still use hot water at 90 °C for extraction. This time, using the Panamanian Don Alfredo sun-treated coffee beans baked by uncle, the whole sweet smell exploded, and the entrance was meek and sweet.

Opponent coffee beginners, there is an action that can not be ignored, that is, "steaming"! That is, the action of "steaming rice sauce", which is often mentioned in Japanese coffee books. Simply put, before the formal injection of water to brew, first inject a small amount of hot water to make the coffee powder absorb, and release carbon dioxide side by side, the amount of steaming water is about 1.5-2.5 times the weight of coffee powder, depending on the depth of baking. Generally speaking, deep-roasted coffee beans have a higher volume expansion rate, so they can absorb more hot water. The time of steaming is usually 20-30 seconds, which depends on the freshness of coffee beans. The fresher the coffee beans are, the more carbon dioxide will be emitted.

After static steaming, formal water injection begins, with a smaller column of water poured on top of the coffee powder layer and repeated from the inside to the outside. After a lot of practice, beginners can keep the water column stable without breaking and falling.

The first water injection stops when the coffee powder is flooded at a height close to the edge of the filter cup, and the amount of water injected is about 120 milliliters. After the water level drops slightly, continue the second water injection. This technique is called "water cut-off", and the concentration of coffee can be increased by interrupting water injection. When the water is injected for the second time, it can be found that the size of the water column is thicker and stops when the water level reaches the edge of the filter cup about 1 cm.

Finally, when the coffee liquid in the glass below reaches the scale of 200ml, remove the coffee filter cup so that the water inside does not need to dry.

The special gooseneck design of the HARIO Cloud hand Pot allows the coffee spout to be close to the surface of the coffee powder, and the fine spout allows the coffee water column to be thick or thin, matching the different extraction concepts of the front and rear stages.

The coffee powder particles cut by the ghost tooth grinding cutter head are more square, which is very different from the flake particles of the cutting cutter head. In terms of flavor, the taste of the ghost tooth cutter head will be more round and sweet, and the aroma and acidity of the cutting cutter head will be more prominent.

Low-key calm transparent black, bring good aroma as well as good mood. The name HARIO V60 comes from the fact that the tilt angle of the filter cup is 60 °. At the same time, it passes through the water diversion groove on the inner edge of the filter cup to achieve the effect of fast and slow down, so as to avoid the astringent taste of hand-brewed coffee caused by stagnant water.