Coffee review

The difference of Flavor and taste between Indonesian Mantenin and PWN Gold Mantenin Coffee and suggestions for hand-brewing

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what are the characteristics of manning coffee? Manning coffee is produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, Asia, also known as Sumatran coffee. Her flavor is very rich, fragrant, bitter, mellow, with a little sweetness. In general, coffee lovers mostly drink individual products, but they are also blended.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style

When it comes to mantenin coffee, its unique spices, herbal flavor and mellow taste are unforgettable, so it is deeply loved by coffee fans. For example, there are five types of mantenin coffee beans in Qianjie Coffee Shop, each of which has its own flavor. The most popular one is golden mantenin, so what's the difference between it and ordinary mantenin coffee? Well, in this next article, Qianjie Coffee will come to popular science about the flavor characteristics of pwn gold Mantenin coffee beans.

The Origin of the name of Indonesian Manning Coffee Bean

Experienced coffee fans know that most coffee beans are named after manors in the producing areas, such as Costa Rican Monster Manor coffee beans that were put on the shelves in the front street coffee shop not long ago, or Ethiopian Yega Sheffield coffee beans. The origin of Manning's name involves an interesting short story.

According to Qianjie, the reason for this story is that the Japanese soldiers returned to Japan after colonization in Indonesia and were obsessed with the local delicious coffee, so with the help of trading friends, they asked the locals to help collect high-quality coffee beans, including this manning. The Japanese were very fond of this coffee bean, so they asked for the name. The locals mistakenly thought he was from, so they blurted out "Mandailing". The Japanese mistakenly referred to "Mandailing" as "Mandehling". As a result of this double misunderstanding, Manning thus mistakenly hit the name of the coffee bean. And this local is the boss of PWN (Pwani Coffee Company), which produces Indonesian gold Manning, which will be mentioned in Qianjie below.

Producing area of Manning Coffee in Indonesia

Qianjie Coffee is often mentioned in previous articles that there are three major factors that determine the flavor of coffee beans, namely, coffee producing areas, varieties and treatment methods. Then Qianjie Coffee will talk about Manning Coffee around these three points.

Mantenin is mainly produced in Sumatra, Indonesia, which is the largest island in Indonesia, located near the equator, is a typical tropical rain forest climate, high temperature and humidity, abundant rainfall, so it is very suitable for the growth of high-quality Arabica coffee beans.

However, the altitude of Indonesia is limited, and the space for growing high-quality Arabica coffee beans is also limited, so only 25% of the coffee beans produced in Indonesia belong to Arabica. Because Arabica species can only be planted at high and altitude areas to have the best flavor, so the remaining 75% are robusta coffee trees that can be grown at low elevations. And the highest elevation in Indonesia is Sumatra.

And the best of the traditional Arabica coffee produced in northern Sumatra will be sold under the name Lin Dong Manning. To be exact, Lin Dong Manning coffee beans refer to coffee grown in a small area southwest of Tobahu in Lindong District.

Indonesian Manning Coffee varieties

Qianjie coffee also mentioned above that Mantenin coffee is mainly grown in Sumatra. Its coffee varieties are generally pure Arabica coffee beans, but the insect resistance of Arabica coffee beans is weak, so in October 2020, Indonesia's pwn company gave up the original iron card variety of Golden Manning, instead using Ateng varieties of coffee beans to produce Golden Manning. And Ateng coffee beans are actually the most widely planted Katim coffee beans in Yunnan, so let's talk about the characteristics of iron pickup and Katim coffee beans in Qianjie Coffee.

Iron pickup

Iron pickup is the oldest native variety in Ethiopia, and almost all the coffee varieties to which Arabica belongs are derived from iron pickup. Iron pickup has an elegant flavor, but its physique is weak, its disease resistance is low, and it is easy to be infected with leaf rust. Therefore, the output of coffee beans is low, and there is no way to achieve economic benefits. In recent years, iron cards in Central and South America have been gradually replaced by Kaddura and Kaduai. So the figure of the iron pickup is becoming more and more rare. Although the flavor of the iron pickup is elegant, it is not as popular as bourbon.

Ateng (Katim)

Katim is a hybrid of Tim and Kaddura, a subspecies of Robusta. It was first developed in 1959 and was popularized in Brazil in the 1970s and 1980s. With disease resistance and high yield, it occupies a place in Central and South American coffee varieties. The occasional outbreak of coffee leaf rust crisis in Central and South America has also contributed to Katim's use of coffee beans.

It is characterized by high yield, short plants, dense planting and reddish-brown new leaves. However, due to the rapid maturity and high yield, adequate fertilizer supply and shade must be required, but according to Qianjie, its life is very short, with an average of only ten years.

Indonesian Manning Coffee processing method

It is mentioned in Qianjie Coffee that Indonesian Mantenin Coffee is loved by coffee lovers because of its unique flavor. In fact, this is also due to Indonesia's unique coffee treatment method-Indonesian wet planing. It is the use of this treatment that makes Mantenin coffee has a unique soil and herbal, spicy flavor.

It is worth noting that when using the wet planing method, because the semi-hard and semi-soft wet raw beans are easy to be crushed when the pectin sheep skin is removed, the beans are crushed and split like a sheep's hoof, commonly known as sheep's hoof beans. Qianjie Coffee believes that this is a remarkable feature of Mantenin and is not a defective bean.

The source of Indonesian wet planing method

According to Qianjie Coffee, it is understood that the reason why Indonesia uses wet planing to deal with coffee fruit is that the local weather is often dominated by Rain Water, with constant typhoons, unable to achieve the good weather needed for the sun, and the local economy is not good. It is also impossible to use the more expensive method of washing, which gives rise to a wet planing method with local characteristics.

Of course, the development of coffee in Indonesia is no longer as poor as it used to be. There are many manors that can be washed with water, and there are also many companies, but they still do not give up the wet planing method. Qianjie Coffee feels that the wet planing method is the factor that has brought Mantening coffee to the world. When it comes to Mantini coffee, I think of the wet planing method, and obviously they already complement each other.

The specific steps of the wet planing method can be divided into the following two stages:

In the first stage, the peel and pulp were removed by a wooden peeling machine, and after fermentation for 3 hours, the moisture content was reduced to 30-50% of semi-dry and semi-wet.

In the second stage, the pectin and sheep skin were removed and the latter part of the drying process took 2-4 days, and the moisture content was reduced to 12-13%.

In addition to the conventional wet planing, there is also an old wet planing method. Coffee beans are first treated by ordinary wet planing, and then sealed in the warehouse for 2 to 3 years. The environment of the warehouse must be cool and ventilated, and the beans should be turned regularly to prevent mildew and corruption. During this period, the acidity of coffee beans will slowly weaken to sugar, and the color will become darker, mostly yellowish brown or dark brown. The Mantenin coffee beans that use this treatment on the Qianjie coffee bean list are called old mantenin coffee beans.

Classification of Indonesian Mantenin coffee beans

Coffee fans who have been to the Qianjie coffee shop all know that Indonesia's Mantenin coffee beans are very large and full, so Indonesia's Mantenin coffee is graded mainly according to the number of defective beans, supplemented by size. And according to Qianjie, it is understood that Indonesia's requirements for general quality coffee beans are live worm-free, mildew-free and rotten beans, with a maximum moisture content of 12.5%. The impurity rate is less than 0.5%.

The following is the standard of Indonesian Mantenin coffee beans classified according to defects (based on 300g):





Grade 1

The total defect is less than 11


Grade 2

Total defects are greater than 12 and less than 25


Grade 3

Total defects greater than 26 and less than 44


Grade 4a

The total defect is more than 45 and less than 60


Grade 4b

Total defects are greater than 61 and less than 80


Grade 5

Total defects greater than 81 and less than 150


Grade 6

Total defects greater than 151 and less than 225

Among them, the Indonesian gold Mantenin grade of Qianjie is G1, and G1 is a very few products, which was specially tailor-made for Japanese trading houses. G1 is a defective bean with a maximum of 3 points in 300 grams.

The above is the relevant information about Indonesia's Mantenin coffee beans. Next, Qianjie Coffee will introduce to coffee fans who PWN is, and what is the difference between their gold Mantenin and Lin Dong Mantenin?

PWN Corp.

Senior coffee fans all know that the Japanese especially like Mantenin coffee, so the Japanese paid special attention to Mantenin a long time ago, and there are strict criteria for screening coffee fruits, that is, coffee must be manually selected four times before defective beans can be processed and packaged for sale. Gold manning is called golden manning because accidentally, when choosing flawless raw coffee beans, Manning manufacturers found that the raw coffee beans glowed golden in the sun, so they named them golden manning.

But the most regrettable thing is that even if the Japanese pay so much attention to golden mandheling coffee, "golden mandheling", that is, gold manning, has long been registered as a trademark by Indonesia's Pawani coffee company, so gold manning has become the exclusive property of PWN, and PWN is one of the first companies to sell mantenin coffee beans to Japan.

On the other hand, through a cup test in Qianjie, it was found that Golden Manning had a stronger sense of sugar and sugar than other Qianjie tiger Mantenin or Lin Dong Mantenin, which was particularly special and clean in taste, so Qianjie decided to bring this coffee to Qianjie coffee fans anyway.

Second, pwn gold manning is actually not very good to purchase, because its output is not much every year, so there are actually many bad coffee shops selling ordinary manning in the market under the guise of gold manning, but in fact, it is very simple to identify the manning produced from pwn, as long as you need to let the merchants provide the raw bean sacks marked with PWN or the certificate attached with the beans to know whether it is PWN gold manning.

And in gold manning, at present, only the PWN company's Manning is the real gold manning, and PWN's Huang Mann three manual screening, a machine selection, beans are very beautiful, on the other hand, very uniform, so the coffee will look cleaner.

Yazijiayu Mountain producing area

According to Qianjie Coffee, PWN chose a new producing area in 2020, which is Mount Acigayo in Sumatra, which is located in the northernmost corner of Sumatra. The coffee cultivation of Mount Jiayu is mainly around the hillside of the town of Takegon and Lake Tawa. The average height in the production area is between 1100 and 1600 meters, and the quality of its coffee has always been excellent, but due to previous political instability, it is difficult to export coffee in this area. In recent years, the situation is peaceful, the cultivation of coffee in Aceh has also been developed, and the quality is also better than that in Lindong. And this move is undoubtedly an affirmation of the quality of Jiayushan Coffee. PWN Gold Manning, as the top coffee brand in Indonesia, will not disappoint coffee fans.

The above is the knowledge about pwn gold Mantenin coffee beans, and Qianjie coffee will do a lot of roasting and brewing tests before each new coffee bean is put on the shelf, and take out the best one for coffee fans to taste. Then Qianjie Coffee will share the differences in flavor and hand-brewing parameters between Golden Mantenin and Lin Dong Manning.

Front Street Coffee pwn Gold Manning Coffee Bean

Country: Indonesia

Producing area: Mount Aceh Jiayu, Sumatra

Altitude: 1100-1600m

Variety: Ateng

Treatment method: wet planing method

Flavor: baked toast, nuts, pine, caramel, herbs

Front Street Coffee Indonesia Lin Dong Manning Coffee beans

Country: Indonesia

Producing area: Sumatra (Lindong)

Altitude: 1100-1600m

Variety: iron pickup, Kaddura

Treatment method: wet planing method

Flavor: baked toast, nuts, caramel, pine, herbs

Qianjie coffee brewing and sharing

Qianjie coffee brewed Mantenin coffee beans, in order to ensure its fairness, so try to unify the brewing parameters. Use medium and deep roasted coffee beans.

Mantenin cooking parameters

Kono filter cup, 1:15 powder / water ratio, 15g powder content, 88 ℃ water temperature, grindability (standard sieve 20 pass rate 70-75%)

Brewing and cooking techniques:

Staged extraction, steaming with 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, small water injection around the circle to 125g for stages, water level drop is about to reveal the powder bed, continue water injection to 225g to stop water injection, and so the water level drop is about to expose the powder bed when the filter cup is removed, (steaming starts timing) V60 filter cup extraction time is 2 times 39 leaves 00 ", Kono filter cup extraction time is slightly longer, 2 grams 39 lives 10".

Golden Manning: changeable, mellow and clean, high balance, intense nutty and caramel aromas with chocolate aromas and a long finish.

Lin Dong Mantenin: imported herbal flavor, dark chocolate, caramel, sweet back.

Conclusion: the difference between Golden Manning and Lin Dong Manning actually lies in the selection of beans. Golden Manning has been screened four times, which will put an end to the appearance of defective beans, and will be cleaner in flavor and less of soil odor.

On the other hand, Lin Dong Mantenin is the most primitive Mantenin in Lindong producing area, and its quality is slightly worse than that of Gold Manning, and it is not so strict in screening, but it still has a very good flavor of Indonesian local coffee. Therefore, Qianjie Coffee also uses Lindong Mantenin as rations to introduce Indonesian coffee beans to novice coffee fans.

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