Coffee review

What is Starbucks flat white Fragrance White Coffee? how to order some espresso Starbucks Coffee? is it high in calories?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, "I'm not in the cafe, I'm on my way to the cafe." this sentence is not only a familiar advertising line, but also the best portrayal of Taiwanese coffee addiction. Not only in Taipei, but in every corner of every city, there is always a small cafe that makes people safe and comfortable outside their homes and companies.

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Starbucks was once popular with Starbucks fans after it launched its new coffee product, Flat White, in 2012. Because it has the silky taste of latte and the rich taste of cappuccino. For those who like milk coffee and hope for rich coffee, fragrant white coffee is a wise choice.


What is "Flat White"?

Flat White is actually a kind of mixed coffee between latte and cappuccino, which is also mixed with milk on the base of espresso, with double espresso of cappuccino, and a slightly glossy baby foam in the latte, but gently coated on the top of the coffee. Flat white, with its rich aroma such as cappuccino and dense milk foam lighter than latte, is the perfect proportion in the eyes of heavy caffeine addicts.

Furebai's name is the literal translation of Flat white pronunciation. It is also Starbucks' exclusive translation of the drink and is also registered as a trademark. Other coffee brands and coffee shops will call this coffee "Australian White Coffee".

The Origin of Flat White Coffee

But if you don't know the cultural background behind Flat White, you might think it's just another drink of milk and espresso. In fact, Flat White came from New Zealand and Australia, which focused on boutique coffee culture in the 1980s. Since World War II, a large number of European immigrants introduced espresso. Since then, it has been independent of European and American culture, while inheriting the third wave of revolution, it has developed its own coffee extension drinks, such as Flat white, ristretto, piccolo and other specialty items.


The origin and processing methods of fine coffee are mostly in the way of shallow baking in order to retain the unique fruit aroma and flavor of coffee beans from different places, which are made by hand, and therefore pay more attention to the barista's craftsmanship and unique flower-drawing skills. From baking to brewing, slight differences can create different flavors, and even the same batch of coffee beans will have different personal flavors because they are handled by different baristas.

How to make fragrant white coffee and how many espresso are there?

Starbucks uses the essence espresso served in 2-3-4 at Furey White Coffee. Espresso is also a kind of espresso, but it is more concentrated than making lattes and American espresso. This is also why Furebai has the secret of a stronger coffee flavor in the same portion of milk coffee products.

How do you make espresso?

Essence espresso (Ristretto) means espresso. Ristretto means "limit". We can understand that by "limiting" the amount of coffee extracted, only the pre-interruption of espresso is taken, thus increasing the concentration of coffee.


For example, Qianjie extraction Espressso program is 20 grams of coffee powder extract 40 grams of coffee liquid, the powder-to-liquid ratio is 1:2, the time is 30 seconds. The extraction of Ristretto is only 70% of the Espresso, that is, 20 grams of coffee powder extract 28 grams of coffee liquid, of course, the time will be shortened accordingly. In addition, you can also adjust the grinding degree of the coffee to slow down the flow rate and make the concentration of the coffee liquid higher. Because each coffee shop will make different adjustments according to the coffee beans used, and the baristas want to present a specific flavor and taste.

The way of making Furei White Coffee

Australian White Coffee is produced in Qianjie Coffee, which uses 28-30g espresso liquid, paired with 180ml's hot milk that whisks 0.5cm thick foam, and mixes evenly.


Is Flat White high in calories?

Furebai is milk + essence espresso. Coffee has relatively small calories, but milk has a lot of calories. You can think of yourself as drinking a glass of full-fat milk. The fat content of whole milk (Whole milk) milk is 3.0%, the fat content of semi-skimmed milk is about 1.5%, and the fat content of whole skim milk is as low as 0.5%. If you want to lose weight, you can choose flat white, which contains only coffee and milk, which will be much lower in calories.