Coffee review

What are coffee beans? how to separate male beans from female beans and how to choose them?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Extra, extra! Some time ago, Fan Bingbing's Yin and Yang contract was in such an uproar that he was ridiculed by the coffee industry except for a joke: the contract is divided into yin and yang, and coffee beans are divided into male and female. So is there really a distinction between male and female coffee beans? Without saying much nonsense, let's reveal what are male and female coffee beans. How to identify it? How to choose! ...

Extra, extra!

Some time ago, Fan Bingbing's Yin and Yang contract was in such an uproar that he was ridiculed by the coffee industry except for a joke: "the contract is divided into yin and yang, and coffee beans are divided into male and female." So is there really a distinction between male and female coffee beans? Without saying much nonsense, let's reveal what are male and female coffee beans. How to identify it? How to choose!


In fact, there is no distinction between male and female coffee beans ~ ~ many people call coffee round beans "male beans" and flat beans "female beans". As far as botany is concerned, this is extremely rare.

An absurd statement. In the plant kingdom, there is really a distinction between male and female in some species, that is, the so-called "dioecious plants", such as eggplant, Aiyu and so on.

Flowers bearing seeds; some are "dioecious", which must be cross-pollinated before the female flowers can bear seeds. For example, most melons belong to it.

As for coffee and other Rubiaceae plants, they can "self-pollinate". A flower itself has stamens and pistils, and there is no distinction between male and female plants or female and male flowers at all.

Two ovules are self-pollinated, so the pollination rate is very high. Usually both ovules are pollinated successfully and develop into a two-seed "Flat bean".

Coffee fruits (commonly known as coffee cherries); very few coffee fruits are pollinated by a single ovule and develop into a single round seed, which is called Pea

Berry) is the right one. Only 5% of the same coffee tree are round beans and the rest are flat beans. Round beans are not particularly precious or variant beans, just because of the number.

The quantity only accounts for about 5% of the total, so it must be specially selected because the quantity is small and laborious, and the price will naturally be higher than that of beans of the same grade.

Most people think that the round beans in coffee are completely wrapped in the same bean with a stronger flavor and the best flavor without astringency and bitterness, which is regarded as the best in coffee.

Whether it is flat beans or round beans, since they are seeds, they are all "female". How absurd it is to say "male seed"! Coffee "public beans and mother beans"

It is said that it originated in Indonesia and is a grandstanding stunt to fool foreign tourists. Knowledgeable officials should not be fooled. The layman can be forgiven for agreeing with this statement.

But as a coffee industry, you should spread the right knowledge.