Coffee review

An introduction to the characteristics of the legends of coffee beans in Ethiopia

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Ethiopia Ethiopia in 800 AD, the first Arabica coffee tree grew in Ethiopia's East African Rift Valley. More than 1200 years later, some of the world's unique and rare curry beans still originated in Ethiopia. There is a traditional Isopia proverb that goes like this: Buna dabo naw means: coffee is our bread. For Ethiopia, coffee

Ethiopia Ethiopia

In 800 AD, the first Arabica coffee tree grew in Ethiopia's East African Rift Valley. More than 1200 years later, some of the world's unique and rare curry beans still originated in Ethiopia. There is a traditional clothesline

The Biya proverb goes like this: "Buna dabo naw" means: "Coffee is our bag." For Ethiopia, coffee is as important as a staple food for a living.

Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee. Legend has it that Cadi Kaldia, an unknown shepherd, found this best-selling red fruit in Ethiopia when he was herding his sheep in the forests of western Ethiopia: coffee, which opened thousands.


The coffee market. Ethiopia is still an important coffee exporter in the world, with major producing areas such as Sidamo Sidamo, Yegashev Yirgacheffe, Kochel Kochere, Hara Harar and Gemma.

Djimma . Located in the south of Ethiopia, Sidamo, Yegashev and Kochel are the main producing areas of fine washed beans and are famous for their excellent fruit characteristics and fine and elegant flavor. Yegashev is a young man from Sidamori.

It is also the most famous producing area in Ethiopia, with an average altitude of 1850 to 2400 and annual rainfall of 1300mm. The ancient saying means wetland, and there are often "shading clouds" and "shading clouds" with shading and cooling effect in the middle of the day.

Fog, because of its unique geographical environment and special flavor, is independent from the Sidamo producing area. Kochel is a small producing area about 25 kilometers southwest of Yegashev, where there are about 10000 coffee.

Farmers, most of the residents' income is mainly to harvest coffee, and the harvested coffee variety is the local Heirloom with a long history. Because this producing area has more advanced raw bean processing equipment, it has excellent performance in flavor.

Hara is located in the plateau region of eastern Ethiopia, because it is remote, backward and located in the tropical dry climate, so it is mainly treated by traditional manual and drying methods. Traditional Ethiopia is graded in proportion to defective beans and washed with water.

The grades of beans are G1 (Defects 0-3) and G2 (Defects 4-12). Sun raw beans G3 (Defects 13-25) G4 (Defects 25-45) G5 (Defects 46-100). Since 2008, the Ethiopian government established Ethiopia.

Commodity Exchange we call it the ECX system. The raw coffee beans from each producing area are sent to this unit after processing, and then the flavor is graded by cup test. They divide the coffee into producing area flavor and non-producing area.

Flavor, and then subdivide the flavor level, Shoucheng Coffee is also required to buy the highest grade raw beans with regional flavor in this system.