Coffee review

The foam flavor of hand-brewed coffee contains grease, mixed smell, wood and other bad flavors. Try it today.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Do friends who like to do hand flushing like editors like to pay attention to how much it expands and foams when stewed, observe its freshness, or like the process of deep-baked beans growing into hamburgers? However, today, the editor is not talking about the freshness of coffee beans, nor the expansion process of shallow, medium and deep roasted beans; just want to know what those foams are.

Do friends who like to do hand flushing like editors like to pay attention to how much it expands and foams when stewed, observe its freshness, or like the process of deep-baked beans growing into hamburgers? Today, however, the editor is not talking about the freshness of coffee beans, nor the process of expanding shallow, medium and deep roasted beans; it is just about the flavor of those foams.

I talked about milk bubbles two days ago, and today I say hand bubbles, as if the recent editors are more energetic with bubbles.

The editor chose light-roasted Panamanian butterfly, medium-light roasted [Guatemalan Polsa] and medium-deep roasted [Blue Mountain] coffee respectively; in order to reduce the impact on the flavor of coffee due to different brewing methods, so the editor used a smart cup to compare the flavor of three kinds of beans without defoaming and defoaming respectively.

Foam contrast

[Panamanian Flower Butterfly]

Panamanian Pokuit water wash butterflies

Producing area: Pokuit, Panama

Variety: Rosa Kaddura Kaduai

Altitude: 1600-1650

Treatment: washing treatment

Cooking method: smart cup, grinding degree BG 5R, powder water temperature ratio 1 ℃ 155.91 ℃. Steam 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, pour water into the center to 123 grams, then pick up the foam, then pour water to 227 grams, pick up the thinner foam, let it continue to soak until 1: 50 "begin to pour coffee, all finish at 2: 30".

The first stage of foam: will bring some coffee grounds and fine powder, the color is dark, there is a sense of foam, smells like paper.

The second stage of foam: due to a little coffee liquid, and relatively thin, the flavor is very light with a little sour, the water feeling is heavy.

[Polsa, Guatemala]

Producing area: Vivette Nanguo

Manor: Polsa Manor

Altitude: 1500 m

Variety: Pacamara

Treatment: washing

Cooking method: smart cup, grind degree BG 5R, powder water temperature ratio 1 ℃ 150.90 min. Steam 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, pour water into the center to 124 grams, then pick up the foam, then pour water to 227 grams, pick up the thinner foam, let it continue to soak until 1: 46 "start to pour coffee, all finished at 2: 29".

The first period of foam: the color will be darker than the light baked butterfly, and it will taste a little greasy and a little caramel.

The second stage of foam: the flavor is not much different from that of the Flower Butterfly.

[Jamaica Blue Mountains]

Landowner: sharp Family The Sharp family

Altitude: 4300 ft (1310.64 m)

Treatment method: washing

Variety: 100% Arabica iron pickup

Cooking method: smart cup, grinding degree BG 6m, powder water temperature than 1 ℃ 15 ℃. Steam 30 grams of water for 30 seconds, pour water into the center to 124 grams, then pick up the foam, then pour water to 227 grams, pick up the thinner foam, let it continue to soak until 1: 45 "begin to pour coffee, all finish at 2: 20".

The first period of foam: the color is the darkest, the foam feeling is the most obvious, smells a little scorched and tastes with some wood.

The second stage of foam: the flavor is relatively light, but it also smells a little scorched.

Through the comparison of the foam flavor of the shallow, medium and deep coffee beans, we can know that the foam flavor will bring some bad miscellaneous flavor after the end of the first paragraph (the editor has tried his best to avoid catching coffee powder in the process of salvaging the foam, but still got a little bit). The foam in the second stage is not obvious in the light and medium baking, a little sour and heavy in the water, and only the medium-deep baked Blue Mountain smells a little scorched.

In the three kinds of coffee foam, it is mainly mixed smell, so what will be the change in flavor after the foam is salvaged? Once again, the editor used these three beans to make coffee without foam with the same water temperature and powder ratio of the smart cup.

Comparison between [de-soaking] and [no-soaking]

[Panamanian Flower Butterfly]

No soaking flavor: the palate is mellow with aromas of nuts, lemon and berries, with a floral smell.

Bubble flavor: it tastes sour and lively, with citrus and lemon flavors.

[Polsa, Guatemala]

No soaking flavor: the taste is relatively round with chocolate, caramel, cream, citrus flavor

To soak flavor: the taste is relatively thin, with almonds, citrus, green tea, lemon, strong sour feeling.

[Jamaica Blue Mountains]

No soaking flavor: the palate is thick with hazelnut, cocoa, cream and sweet caramel.

Defoaming flavor: with a slight sour grapefruit flavor, but also with nutty, creamy flavor.

Through the comparison of the three kinds of coffee beans, the overall flavor of [de-soaking] and [no-soaking] is relatively consistent, but the overall flavor of [de-soaked] is thinner and fresher, and the sour taste is more obvious. [do not soak] the whole is relatively mellow and full-bodied. The difference between the flavor of coffee and that of coffee may be due to the fact that the foam isolates the contact time between the coffee liquid and the air. The coffee liquid and powder are constantly steamed under the action of hot water, and the flavor and aroma are not released so quickly. However, after the foam is removed, the contact time between the coffee liquid and the air increases, so part of the aroma dissipates with the hot water steam, and the coffee liquid on the surface cools quickly due to contact with the air. in addition, the micro powder floating in the foam picked up after the first stage of cooking will attach to the foam and be fished away by the editor, so the foam after the second stage of water injection is obviously much thinner than that of normal cooking, and the foam is cleaned by the editor again. After two times of foam cleaning, most of the micro-powder was removed, and the flavor of the micro-powder could not be extracted, so the overall flavor was thinner and sour.

Once again, the theme of this series is the flavor of bubble. in the traditional Japanese hand flushing and Taiwan hand flushing, they think that miscellaneous taste and astringency exist in the bubble. Today, the foam flavor we cook in front, medium and deep beans is more miscellaneous, with the smell of wood, paper and burnt. Of course, in the normal brewing process, the foam will not fall into our coffee, because there are layers of coffee grounds separated from the filter paper, and the end can be taken away, so there is no need to worry too much about the taste of the foam will affect the flavor of the coffee. In addition, the editor does not advocate picking up foam in the brewing process, which will more or less affect the extraction of coffee. The editor is just curious about the taste of these foams.