Coffee review

Coffee flower how to practice coffee flower how to practice pattern is not crooked coffee flower how to practice love skills

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) when beginners learn coffee pattern, how to practice coffee pattern? You can first practice simple patterns such as apples, hearts, leaves, flowers, etc., and never teach difficult coffee flowers at the beginning! How to practice coffee flower drawing is not just a visual appreciation.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

When beginners learn coffee pattern, how to practice coffee pattern? You can first practice simple patterns such as apples, hearts, leaves, flowers, etc., and never teach difficult coffee flowers at the beginning! How to practice coffee drawing is not only a visual appreciation, but also learn how to integrate milk foam with coffee. You can explore different levels of taste when tasting. This is also a great knowledge in coffee drawing.

Learn to pull coffee flowers, watch YouTube coffee talent demonstration, pay attention to every link, but why still can not pull out a flower shape? Well, how to practice professional coffee, the teacher said that at this time, we should go back to check whether the ratio of milk foam to milk is wrong. The following is about how to practice coffee flower drawing step 1.

Brew a cup of Espresso and pour into a coffee cup.

Step 2.

Make milk foam and pour it into a wide-bottomed flower-drawing pot.

Step 3.

Slowly pour the milk foam into the coffee cup, and the milk foam will merge with the coffee industry. when you pour the coffee cup to the height of 2thumb 3, the coffee liquid and milk foam will roughly merge, and the surface of the coffee will show a thick shape, which is the time for the coffee to pull flowers.

Before pulling flowers, gently shake the kettle left and right, remember to keep the movement of the hand steady, and use the strength of your wrist to control the flower cup. after going back and forth horizontally, there will be traces of white milk bubbles in the shape of "Z" four times.

Step 5.

Finally, slowly move the flower pot backward, and reduce the range of shaking left and right, and pull forward a thin straight line as the stem of the leaf when you close the cup.