Coffee review

What is the taste of Furei White Italian Milk Coffee? the difference between Australian White and Australian White flat white

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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There are many kinds of coffee, and many people also like to drink coffee. What kind of coffee is Furebai? What's the difference between Frappie and latte? In this article, Qianjie Coffee will talk with you about this popular Italian milk coffee all over the world.

Furei White Flat White, also known as Australian White Coffee, Xiaobai Coffee, Australian Swiss White Coffee, etc., is a kind of appetizing milk coffee. It is a coffee drink made up of espresso, hot milk, and thin and delicate milk bubbles. '


Furebai's coffee is stronger and a little sweet, and the foam feels more slippery with a white spot on it. Compared with the conventional concentrate in latte / cappuccino / mocha, it uses the same amount of coffee powder (Ristretto), which is the same amount of coffee powder, and has less extraction (3amp 4) of concentrated liquid, which makes it more refined.

The essence of Qianjie Coffee is espresso, which is usually mixed with medium-and deep-roasted Italian coffee beans. Compared with individual coffee beans, blended coffee beans can extract espresso with stable taste and quality in a pressurized extraction environment.

How to make espresso?

Essence espresso Ristretto is a drink with shorter espresso time and less liquid coffee than espresso. In terms of parameters and process, espresso is basically the same as espresso, while espresso is obtained by reducing the proportion and extraction time.


The production of Ristretto essence espresso is very simple, only need to adjust the time of espresso. For example, Qianjie Coffee has been adjusted by espresso parameters every day. This time, the concentration parameter is 19.5g of coffee powder. Under the pressure of 9-10bar, 30g of coffee liquid is extracted in 28 seconds.

How to make Australian white coffee?

Qianjie Coffee shops extract espresso, usually using "Qianjie-sunflower warm Italian blend of coffee beans". This coffee bean is made of 70% Honduran sherry beans + 30% Ethiopian sun-dried Yejafei red cherry beans with strong fermented wine, vanilla cream, roasted nuts and caramel flavor.


After the espresso extraction is completed, the Qianjie coffee will be poured into a cup around 100ml to dry. Then heat the milk and gently inflate the liquid surface of the milk to send out about 0.5cm foam. If you want a stronger coffee flavor, you can slowly pour the beaten milk into the center to keep the espresso oil intact; if you want to drink the sweetness of the milk, you can mix the milk and espresso well.

Taste characteristics of Australian White Coffee

Australian white coffee due to the use of stronger coffee extraction (ristretto) and with less milk, mainly highlighted in the strong coffee flavor, and milk into the coffee, but also to some extent neutralize the bitter part of the coffee, but also retain more coffee flavor.


Where does Australian white coffee come from?

During World War II, the Italians brought espresso to Australia. As Australia is rich in milk, after the improvement and invention of the local cafe, there have been a lot of Italian milk coffee products.


There has always been controversy about whether Australia White originated in Australia or New Zealand, in short, it comes from Australia. After that, it appeared on the menu of cafes in the United States, Britain and other places, and gradually became standard in all cafes.

In China, the rise of Australian white coffee is mainly due to Starbucks' launch of fragrant white coffee, which is actually Starbucks' Australian white coffee. In this way, Australian white coffee is known to people.