Coffee review

How do you drink Nicaraguan sunburn Vera Saatchi coffee? Introduction of planting varieties in Buenos Aires Manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the growing conditions in Nicaragua are not inferior to those in Central American countries, grown in shaded coffee at high elevations, round and balanced with less sharp acidity, the main unknown factors are war and hurricanes, resulting in the unsustainable operation of a single farm and no historical data.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The planting conditions in Nicaragua are not inferior to those in Central American countries. Coffee with shade at high altitude is grown in a round and balanced taste with less sharp acid. The main unknown factor is war and hurricanes, resulting in the unsustainable operation of a single farm. There is no historical data for raw bean merchants to track and consult farm data, until after 2003, the bad factors leading to coffee quality are removed, and backward traffic is also fully built. Good coffee continues to emerge.

Most of the fine coffee beans come from the central Jinotega and Madaguelba regions, and the good Nicaraguan coffee will be printed on the bean bag (SHG) to represent coffee produced at high altitude.

After three generations of family-run coffee farms, the current owner, Don Carlos, and his father continue to focus on the coffee business.

The estate is located in the mountains of the town of Dipilto in the northwestern province of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Nueva Segovia) in Nicaragua, just one kilometer from the border with Honduras. It has four coffee farms: Santa Adelaida, Buenos Aires, Las Nubes and Las Vegas, which are located in a block with an altitude of 1200 Murmuri 1500 meters above sea level. Coffee plants are sheltered by shade trees and carry out permanent afforestation programs. Abundant rainfall, fertile soil, sufficient altitude and reliable technology and other conditions give birth to excellent quality coffee.

Buenos Aires Vera Sacha sunbathing Finca Buenos Aires Villa Sarchi Natural

■ countries: Nicaragua

■ producing area: Dipilto Dipido, Nueva Segovia New Segovia

■ altitude: 1200-1350 m

■ treatment: insolation

■ level: SHG

■ variety: Villa Sarchi

■ flavor description: tropical fruit juice, peach, cream, walnut, Body thick, full of sweetness

Villasarchi and Catymore are mainly planted in Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires). The coffee trees in the manor are cared for by shade trees, which are native plants on the land, and the birds living in them still maintain their ecological environment intact. All the post-processing processes of the estate, ranging from the pest control stage to the end of the post-production process, are fully environmentally friendly and are expected to be environmentally sustainable in addition to producing high-quality coffee.