Coffee review

Using Robusta coffee beans to make hand flushing has a bitter taste and high caffeine.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the output of Robusta species accounts for 25% 35% of coffee bean production, its main producing country is Indonesia (one of its coffee beans is a kind of coffee bean processed by washing method, it is a hybrid between Robusta seed and Arabica seed, and it is the only one in the Chinese market.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The output of Robusta species accounts for 25% of coffee bean production, which accounts for 25% of coffee bean production. Its main producing country is Indonesia (one of its coffee beans is a kind of coffee bean processed by washing method, which is a hybrid between Robusta and Arabica. It is the only coffee bean on the Chinese market that can be used as a single drink), Vietnam, Africa, (Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Angola as the center of the West African countries), Vietnam has been more committed to coffee production in recent years, and included it in the national policy (Vietnam also produces a small number of Arabica coffee beans).

Robusta: cheap, bitter, high caffeine

In contrast, Robusta, which is high in caffeine (1.6-2.4%) and low in fat and sugar, tastes bitter and strong, and some even say it tastes rubber.

Robusta has a high content of chlorogenic acid (7-10%), which is not easy to be affected by insects and climate. It is generally planted at a low altitude, bearing many fruits and fast. The fruit is round.

At present, the largest grower of Robusta is Vietnam, which is also produced in Africa and India.