Coffee review

How to Bake in El Salvador Ula Mountain? How to Bake in El Salvador Ula Mountain

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) El Salvador, the smallest country in the Americas, the most densely populated country with amazing volcanoes, continuous hills and valleys, known as volcanic country, with many mountainous hills and plateaus throughout the country, tropical climate, cool mountain climate Arabica coffee occupied the country

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

El Salvador, the smallest country in the Americas, is the most densely populated country

There are amazing groups of volcanoes and endless hills and valleys, which are called "volcanic countries".

The whole territory is full of mountains, hills and plateaus, with a tropical climate and a cool mountain climate.

Arabica coffee accounts for 90% of national income, and the country depends on coffee exports.

Upland-grown and well-graded washed mountains of Abica Salvador Wula.

SHG (Standards European Preparation) is a very high quality raw coffee bean.

Yang family 600g roaster, 500g El Salvador Wula Mountain, baking room temperature 29 ℃, humidity 50%

The more hot the roaster is, the more hot the roaster is 180 ℃, the firepower is 160,150 ℃ turns yellow for 5 minutes, the firepower is 180160 ℃, the brown point throttle is opened to 4182 ℃, the throttle is fully opened, and the dense 188℃ firepower is adjusted back to 160. it was observed that El Salvador Wula Mountain coffee beans stretched, 192 ℃ turned off and glided, until 195 ℃ smelled the rich sweet aroma and cooled the beans.