Coffee review

Three kinds of coffee roasting degree: what are the different characteristics of coffee bean flavor among light roasting, medium roasting and deep roasting? which one tastes good?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The roasting degree of coffee beans the raw coffee beans contain rich aromatic components, which can be awakened through the roasting process, creating a unique aroma of coffee. The deeper the baking, the less obvious the aroma. The depth of roasting also dominates the bitterness and sour of coffee. The deeper the roast, the lower the sour taste.


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Coffee is a drink made from coffee beans. Qianjie Coffee believes that what makes coffee special is that coffee beans need to be roasted before they can be used for production, and the roasting temperature is as high as more than 200 degrees Celsius, which is much higher than the roasting temperature of nuts. And the baking time is related to the depth of the baking degree, so the flavor and taste of beans are different among different baking degrees.

Before the third wave of boutique coffee, that is, in the 1970s and 1990s, there was no boutique coffee, that is, commercial coffee beans were mainly commercial coffee beans. If commercial coffee beans were roasted lightly or moderately, it was easy to drink the defective flavor and unclean taste of the coffee. Or some aged beans are easy to drink woody flavor because of water loss, and if roasted to the second explosion, these bad flavors will be very difficult to drink. This is why the third wave of coffee shallow roasting is popular. With the improvement of coffee cultivation and coffee post-processing technology, we can get a cup of coffee that is cleaner, sweeter and more regional. Shallow roasting can taste the native flavor of coffee, such as a bean with the scent of citrus flowers, then it must be the beans from Ethiopia. If they are roasted to the second explosion density, these good flavors will be lost.

Why is coffee roasted?

Coffee is originally just the seed of the fruit, but it turns into raw coffee beans after treatment. Only after roasting can the flavor of coffee beans be stimulated. Different roasting will make coffee beans show different flavors.

Why do raw coffee beans show flavor after being roasted at high temperature? In fact, it is because of the chemical changes in the baking process, let's explain the chemical changes.

[Maillard reaction]

This reaction occurs at about 150 ℃, when the coffee beans are still absorbing heat and continue to release heat during the baking process. Calories lead to reactions between carbohydrates and amino acids in beans, leading to changes in color, taste and nutrients.

The color change is mainly due to the production of melanin, which not only turns the coffee beans brown, but also affects the taste and mellow thickness of the coffee.

Any small change in the temperature and time of Maynard's reaction at this stage may have a great impact on the final flavor.

Coffee that takes a longer time in the Maynard reaction increases its viscosity, while a shorter Maynard reaction produces more sweetness and acidity, because if Maynard takes too long, the acid and the acid that converts to sweetness will be destroyed.

When Qianjie coffee roasters experiment with roasting coffee beans, they also change the length and intensity of Maynard's reaction and record how these changes affect the final flavor. [caramelization]

When heated to about 170 ℃, the heat breaks down large amounts of complex carbohydrates into smaller sugar molecules that can be dissolved in water, indicating an increase in the sweetness of the final brewed coffee.

This reaction continues until the end of the baking process, and it also contributes to the sweet aromas of coffee, such as caramel and almonds.

Through the Mena reaction and caramelization reaction, we can know how the reaction of coffee roasting affects the flavor of a cup of coffee. In fact, among the factors that affect a cup of coffee, coffee raw beans account for 70% of the roasting degree, 20% of the roasting degree, and 10% of the brewing rate.

Coffee beans have to be roasted in a high temperature environment to have such a strong aroma and rich taste! With the roasting time and temperature of coffee beans, the same kind of coffee beans will show multiple and different coffee styles!

Generally speaking, it can be divided into three categories: shallow baking, medium baking and deep baking.

But the taste is subtle and subdivided into eight degrees: Light Roast--Italian Roast

Shallow baking: Light Roast (light baking) and Cinnamon Roast (cinnamon baking) have strong aroma and obvious sour taste.

Medium roasting: Medium Roast (medium roasting), High Roast (deep roasting), City Roast (city roasting) more coffee bean aroma, sweetness, micro-acidity, typical Viennese coffee flavor.

Deep baking: Full City Roast (city-wide baking), French Roast (French baking), Italian Roast (Italian baking) strong caramel flavor, strong taste.


The roasting degree of one of the coffee beans has largely determined the direction of the flavor of this bean, and coffee bean roasting can be divided into three degrees: light roasting, moderate roasting and medium / deep roasting. "shallow baking / Cinnamon Roast"

Time to drop beans: an explosion begins to be dense.

Flavor: the bean surface is cinnamon color, at this time the smell of grass has been removed, strong acid, slightly fragrant, often used to make American coffee.


-Qianjie Coffee-Ethiopian Sidamo Fakui Coffee beans-

Production area / treatment plant: Sidamo Humbera Buku Abel treatment plant

Planting altitude: 2250-2350m

Treatment: sun treatment

Variety: Ethiopian native variety

Flavor description: passion fruit, fermented wine, strawberry, jackfruit

"medium baking / Medium Roast"

Time to drop beans: from the explosion to the end

Flavor: the bean surface is chestnut color, light taste, slightly sour with bitter, moderate aroma, retain the original flavor of coffee beans, often used as American coffee or mixed coffee.


-Front Street Coffee selection Coffee beans-Costa Rican Tarazu Coffee beans

Producing area: Tarazhu

Planting altitude: 1500m

Treatment: washing treatment

Variety: Kaddura, Kaduai

Flavor description: toffee, sweet orange, honey, nuts, is a balanced flavor of coffee, with a typical Costa Rican coffee style.

"medium and deep baking / City Roast"

The time to drop the beans: after the first burst, that is, between the first and second bursts.

Flavor: the bean surface is light brown, the taste is bright and lively, the acidity between sour and bitter balance is light, and it releases the high-quality flavor of the coffee, which is the standard baking degree and the favorite baking degree of the public.


-Front Street Coffee-Brazilian Queen Manor Coffee beans-

Producing area / Manor: Queen Morgiana Manor

Planting altitude: 1400-1950m

Treatment: half-sun treatment

Variety: yellow bourbon

Flavor: nuts, creamy peanuts, sucrose, fermented fruits

"Deep baking / Italian Roast" also known as "Italian baking"

Time to drop the bean: the second explosion ends until the bean surface turns black and produces oil.

Flavor: black glossy beans, coffee fiber before carbonation, strong and complex taste, strong bitter taste, with a strong fried and scorched aroma, mainly popular in Italy, mostly used in Italian coffee Espresso.


-Front Street Coffee-Sunflower warm Italian mixed Coffee beans-

Producing area: Yega Xuefei, Ethiopia + Masaguara, Honduras

Planting altitude: 1700-2200m+1500-1700m

Treatment: sun treatment + refined water washing whisky barrel fermentation treatment

Variety: Ethiopian original + Kaddura, Kaduai, Pacas

Matching ratio: 3:7

Flavor description: strong fermented wine, sour berries, vanilla cream, nut caramel

Recommendation for shallow roasted coffee beans

1. [Qianjie Coffee Yega Xuefei Sun Red Cherry Coffee beans]


Production area / processing plant: Yega Xuefei Aletaland treatment plant

Planting altitude: 1700-2200m

Treatment: sun treatment

Variety: Ethiopian native variety

Flavor description: the overall taste is hierarchical, the aroma is obvious, with lemon, flower and fermented wine aroma, the entrance has a full sense of juice, citrus, citric acid, weak nut flavor, sweet taste of honey.

2. [front Street Coffee Kenya Asaria Coffee beans]


Production area / processing plant: Sika Asali processing plant

Planting altitude: 1550-1750m

Treatment method: 72 hours washing treatment

Varieties: SL28, SL34

Flavor description: wet fragrance has ripe tomato and flower aromas, imported virgin fruit and black plum flavor, bright acidity, clean and the most solid and rich taste, like the weight of an African elephant! The middle part is sweet and juicy, with sweet berry and yellow sugar on the finish, with aromas of green tea.

3. [front Street Coffee Panama Flower Butterfly Coffee beans]


Producing area: Pokuit producing area

Planting altitude: 1600m

Treatment: washing treatment

Varieties: Rosa (70%), Kaddura, Kaduai (30%)

Flavor description: floral aroma, black tea, berries, citrus, slightly nutty finish, smooth taste, low bitterness, moderate acidity, middle finish, etc.

[Qianjie coffee brewing parameters]

Amount of powder: 15g

Powder / water ratio: 1:15

Water temperature: 90 °C

Degree of grinding: medium and fine grinding (pass rate of standard sieve 20 is 78%)

Filter cup: V60

[Qianjie coffee brewing technique]

30 grams of steam for 30 seconds, after the end of steaming, circle water injection to 125 grams, wait for the water level to drop by half, and then continue to inject water to 225 grams, the total extraction time is 2 minutes.

Medium and deep roasted coffee beans are recommended. 1. [Qianjie Coffee PWN Gold Manning Coffee beans]

Production area / processing company: PWN, Aceh, Sumatra

Planting altitude: 1100-1600m

Treatment method: wet planing treatment

Variety: Ateng

Flavor description: the overall level of coffee is changeable, mellow and clean. Intense nutty and caramel aromas with chocolate aromas, long-lasting finish and high balance.

2. [front Street Coffee Jamaica Blue Mountain No. 1 Coffee Bean]


Producing area / Manor: Clifton Manor in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica

Planting altitude: 1310m

Treatment: washing treatment

Variety: iron pickup

Flavor description: the taste of Blue Mountain is very clean, very mild, sweet chocolate, very mellow. The taste is full-bodied and mellow. the sweet, sour and bitter taste of the coffee is perfect, with no bitterness at all, only a moderate and perfect sour taste and a long fruity taste. 3. [introduction to Qianjie Coffee-Brazilian Hillado Red bourbon Coffee beans]


Producing area: Syrador

Planting altitude: 1000m

Treatment: half-sun treatment

Variety: red bourbon

Flavor description: this is a flavor-balanced coffee with a typical Brazilian coffee style. The flavor of nut and chocolate is outstanding, and the sweetness of sucrose is obvious.

[Qianjie coffee brewing parameters]

Amount of powder: 15g

Gouache ratio: 1:15

Water temperature: 86 degrees

Degree of grinding: medium and coarse grinding (pass rate of No. 20 standard sieve is 65%)

Filter cup: KONO

[Qianjie coffee brewing technique]

30 grams of steam for 30 seconds, circle water injection to 125 grams, water level dropped by half to 225 grams, the total extraction time is 2 minutes and 10 seconds.