Coffee review

What's the difference between Sumatra's unique wet planing and wet treatment?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Wet planing and wet treatment is the relationship between seeking common ground while reserving differences? In the traditional wet treatment, fresh coffee cherries remove their pulp (Pulped) and leave them in a concrete pool to ferment overnight for acidification and pectin decomposition. Next, with sheepskin.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Is the relationship between wet planing and wet treatment "seeking common ground while reserving differences"?

In the traditional wet process, fresh coffee cherries are Pulped and left to ferment overnight in a concrete tank, where they undergo acidification and pectin decomposition. Next, the green beans with parchment are sun-dried for about 20 days until they reach a moisture content of 11%. It can then be packaged, the parchment layer peeled off, the coffee graded by density and size, and manually sorted for export.

The green beans are continuously "washed" in the parchment layer. The parchment-protected green beans themselves are placed in a relatively clean environment that stabilizes moisture, moderates temperature fluctuations around the clock, and mitigates the effects of direct sunlight.

So far,"wet planing" and "wet treatment" are basically the same.

As described above, in wet treatment, green beans in this state are usually dried to a moisture content of 11%. Green beans become known as dried green beans, and thin parchment is easily removed.

Next you'll see the different side of wet planing.

However, the effect of removing the seed shell early is that the raw dolphin will be half dried without the last two protective layers (note: coffee beans four layers: peel, pectin, seed shell, silver skin), which is equivalent to taking off clothes in the sun. Although wet planing solved the problem of drying time, the relative contamination rate of green beans by mold, fungi and yeast was also greatly increased. However, paradoxically, these factors have become the key factors to create the special aroma of Mantenin...

Another feature of wet planing is the increased probability of so-called "sheep's foot beans." Because the raw beans are still very wet at the semi-soft stage, the shell is removed by the shell peeling machine, and the fragile soft wet raw beans are very easy to crack, break or scratch the surface of the beans by mechanical force, forming the so-called sheep's foot beans and scratch beans, resulting in poor phase change of the raw beans.