Coffee review

The Origin Story of pointy Bourbon Coffee beans at the Manor of New Glenda in Guatemala. Is it delicious?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) washing the pointed Bourbon of New Glenda, Guatemala Guatemala Nueva Granada Laurina Washed orange peach sweet persimmon scented tea fruit sugar natural low-caffeinated varieties Laurina natural low-caffeinated varieties. New Grande Villa

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Wash the pointed bourbon of the Manor of New Glenda, Guatemala

Guatemala Nueva Granada Laurina Washed

Orange fragrant peach sweet persimmon scented tea fruit candy

Natural low-caffeine variety Laurina pointed bourbon

Natural low caffeine variety.

New Glenda Manor Nueva Granada

Variety: pointed Bourbon Laurina

Treatment: washing Washed

Baking degree: shallow and medium baked light Roast

Flavor: flowers, oranges, peaches, peaches, cocoa, elegant and meticulous, long aftertaste.

Laurina is a natural low caffeine variety.

Generally speaking, Arabica has about 1.2% Murray 1.6% caffeine.

The pointed body bourbon (Laurina) has about 0.4% Murray 0.75% caffeine.

The caffeine content is about half that of ordinary coffee, and it is impressive with its unique floral aroma, peach tonality and supple cocoa flavor.

Pointed bourbon is definitely one of the rarest and most expensive coffee in the world.

Finca Nueva Granada New Glenda Manor is a century-old German manor located in San Marcos, Guatemala. After the civil war and many volcanic eruptions, the manor has been standing for a hundred years. The estate is surrounded by Tajumulco and Tacana, the highest active volcanoes in Central America. The scenery is magnificent, but also because of the ash cover of the volcanic eruption, the coffee collected by this manor is particularly delicate and rich. The manor's water source comes from volcanic spring water, which is rich in minerals, and all washed water is made from this natural water source, so re-fermentation has become the reason why it tastes good.

The estate is committed to promoting Rainforest Alliance rainforest certification, the Child Protection Association, and a number of social care campaigns. A very respectable manor spirit.