Coffee review

[notes of Qianjie baristas] the effect of grindability of Qianjie Coffee on the Flavor of espresso

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In order to extract a good cup of espresso every day and present a good latte to our guests, I believe that there are many baristas in many stores who, like editors, constantly adjust the parameters of espresso every day. Even in the same batch of coffee beans, different temperatures and humidity affect the production of each cup of coffee every day. So insist on adjusting the Italian style every day.

In order to extract a cup of delicious espresso every day, we present a cup of delicious latte to our guests. I believe that many baristas in shops insist on adjusting the parameters of espresso every day, just like Xiaobian. Even if the coffee beans are in the same batch, different temperatures and humidity every day affect the production of each cup of coffee. So it's important to keep adjusting espresso parameters every day.

Before, we talked about how increasing or decreasing the amount of powder will change the espresso coffee. Today, let's talk about grinding. In general, when we grind, we will try yesterday's parameters first, fine-tune based on yesterday's parameters, in the same batch of coffee beans its state will be closer, if you add a new batch of coffee beans grinding will be more difficult, because the new beans raise time is shorter, so the oil is more rich, but the flavor is not as soft and full as good.

Today, Xiaobian first talks about what effect the increase or decrease of grinding degree will have on flavor in the state of beans that have been raised.

The experimental coffee beans are full of fat and fruity-Italian coffee beans with a blending ratio of Brazil: Colombia ( 6:4). The grinder is Pegasus 900N, the grinding scale is the smaller the number, the finer the ground coffee powder, and the larger the number, the coarser the ground coffee powder.

Xiaobian uses a double-headed handle, the powder amount is 21 grams, and 40 grams of coffee liquid is extracted.

Make it under uniform grind: one espresso, one Americano, one cappuccino.

[Grindability 1.8]

Parameters: Grind 1.8/21 g coffee powder/41 g coffee solution/extraction time 16 seconds

Espresso: citrus, lemon, grapefruit flavours, sweet back with caramel, lemon, and nut aromas, but also with a hint of floral. The overall taste is relatively thin, and the sour taste is relatively sharp.

Americano: Smoky, raspberry, berry acidity, nutty, and tea. The overall sour taste is still obvious. After dilution with water, the original sharp citrus fruit flavor becomes a softer berry acid.

Cappuccino: milk aroma, cream, nougat, with a little bit of tobacco flavor, may be a little bit of espresso extraction caused by cappuccino with a little astringency.

[Grindability 1.7]

Parameters: Grind 1.7/21 g coffee powder/40 g coffee solution/extraction time 23 seconds

Espresso coffee: strong acidity, smooth overall taste, rich in oil. Caramel, toffee, dark chocolate flavor, finish more lasting.

American coffee: diluted by water, nutty flavor is more prominent, with black rice tea and smoke aroma, sweet caramel back to Gan, sour more soft, balanced flavor.

Cappuccino: milk chocolate flavor, hazelnut, almond, back Gan has the aroma of charcoal coffee.

[Grindability 1.6]

Parameters: Grind 1.6/21 g coffee powder/41 g coffee solution/extraction time 26 seconds

Espresso coffee: the entrance are and, soft, sweet back to the sweet feeling is more obvious, sour and bitter balance. Hazelnut, toasted almond, creamy, caramel flavors, sour berry flavor.

American coffee: nuts, black rice tea, berry acid, caramel. The overall feeling bitter and nutty flavor is obvious, sour is weak.

Cappuccino: toffee aroma, milk chocolate sweet, nutty, hazelnut flavor. Overall, the bitterness of coffee will be stronger than the first two cups.


After a horizontal comparison of three cups of espresso, Xiaobian found that the extraction time of the coarsest grinding degree [1.8] was the shortest, the flavor showed more fruit acids, and the nutty flavor was relatively weak. [1.7] The ground is more balanced, the flavor is fuller and softer, and the oil is richer. [1.6] The minimum grinding degree is the longest extraction time, the flavor is more nutty, caramel, sour is the softest of the three cups.

[American Coffee]

After dilution with water, after the flavor of three cups of espresso coffee has been released, Xiaobian feels that the sour taste of American coffee in [1.8] is also obvious, and it has a smoky flaw taste, which may be due to the short extraction time and a little uneven extraction in the process. [1.7] American coffee flavor balance, there are nuts, black rice tea aroma; this cup also appeared smoke, but this smoke is more inclined to sandalwood incense, let people smell very comfortable. [1.6] The flavor is very consistent with Italian concentrated, and it also tends to be nutty, sour and soft, and the overall flavor is rich.


[1.8] The ground cappuccino is more like a cup of milk coffee, and the sweetness is obvious. [1.7] is balanced, coffee bitter taste is not short of sweet taste. [1.6] Nutty flavor, with chocolate bitterness.

Among the three grinding degrees, Xiaobian will prefer the grinding degree of [1.7] as the parameter of production, because it has good performance in the performance of Italian concentrate, American coffee and cappuccino, because it is used for production, so Xiaobian feels that the performance of the overall flavor will be more important than the excellent performance of the flavor in one paragraph.