Coffee review

Lattes have become popular in China over the past few decades with coffee as canvas and milk as paintbrush

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) lattes have become so popular in China over the past few decades as if you were born to know it. Lattes are no longer new, and you must have seen them even if you haven't drunk them. The amazing thing is that a lot of new things in China have already been upgraded. No.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Lattes have become so popular in China over the past few decades as if you were born to know that they look good, and lattes are no longer a new thing, even if you haven't drunk it. The amazing thing is that many new things have already been upgraded in China, and there are no stories that have been explored and found to spread. for example, we don't need to know how coffee grows like a shrub and turn into a fruit like a cherry. We don't need to know how to turn this fruit into lovely coffee beans, maybe we don't even need to know how the coffee is made, just go to the supermarket and buy a cup of coffee. It may feel good to jump directly to Uygur, but that feeling is fleeting and there is no dimension of memory. I'm afraid that creatures living in the fifth dimension can't understand the joy of expecting a cup of cappuccino.

Use coffee as canvas and milk as paintbrush. It is a combination of perfectly extracted espresso and extremely fine milk foam, using no other utensils except latte cups, and the technique of drawing patterns simply by injecting milk. This is the so-called "latte flower art". The beauty of the flower art produced by the cooperation of espresso with fine milk foam can be said to be the top technical presentation of the coffee maker. Inject milk, paint beautiful art patterns, in a short moment, a cup of coffee at the same time presents the perfect proportion of art and mellow, this moving moment, is the most fascinating part of the art of coffee pull. The latte may seem simple, but it takes a lot of tricks to present it perfectly. Ben