Coffee review

How to make milk foam? What are the tips and tricks for getting rid of milk foam?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, How to foam 1. First of all, before milking, turn on the steam to clean the water in the steam head, and the dry steam can have a better effect; 2. Let the steam outlet of the steam head sink about 1 cm below the milk surface. Open the steam to a suitable size.

How to make milk foam

1. First of all, turn on the steam before milking to clean the water in the steam head. The dry steam can have a better effect.

2. Let the steam outlet of the steam head sink about 1 cm below the milk surface and open the steam to a suitable size. The criterion for testing suitability is whether the milk continuously and steadily makes a paper-like tearing sound and begins to spin or tumble.

3. It can be seen that when the volume of the milk expands and increases by about ⅓ than the original volume, it continues to sink the steam outlet. This can quickly raise the temperature of the milk to the right level to make coffee.

To put it simply, milking is divided into two steps: the first process is "inflating" (step 2 above), and the second process is "heating" (step 3 above). The point is to arrange the two processes reasonably in a limited time. Beginners can try to shorten the "inflating" time and leave more time for the "heating" process. After proficiency, it can be done alternately.

Now that you know the basic steps of steaming milk, give your buddies some tips to help you get rid of foam at the bar:

Inflatable tips

1, the steamed milk stick is not in the milk tank, whether it is the front or the side, let the steamed milk stick form an angle with the wall of the milk cylinder, try not to let the steamed milk stick stick against the wall of the milk cylinder. (as shown below)

The cylinder block should be tilted according to the rotation direction of the foam. This way of inflation can ensure that during the pull-down process, the milk will form a "whirlpool" with the outlet direction. In this way of steaming milk, not only the milk on the surface will tumble, but also the milk on the surface and underground of the tank will tumble, which can remove the large milk bubbles and make the whole jar of milk non-delicate and smooth.

2. Slowly pull down the steamed milk stick until you hear the sound of "bared" tearing paper.

How does ① calculate the reading seconds of inflation?

In the process of pulling the steamed milk stick, when the steamed milk stick touches the liquid surface, the sound of "tearing paper" will begin to appear, but after the foam is steamed, the liquid level will rise, and the sound of "tearing paper" will disappear slowly, so it is necessary to continue to pull down and "inflate". If there is a gap, then the inflation time is the addition of several intervals of "tearing paper" sound time, rather than the time we read in seconds.

Is it possible for ② to continuously shake the milk tank up and down to inflate it?

When inflating, many partners will steam the milk by shaking the vat up and down, and calculate the inflating time by shaking up and down.

One problem with this way of steaming milk is that jitter and inflation back and forth cannot guarantee an inflatable "consistency". Constantly going back and forth is not a good way to keep the milk rolling in a "whirlpool" way. After steaming the milk in this way, either there are large particles of foam on the surface of the milk, or there are too many bubbles in the whole jar of milk. Or the foam on the surface of the milk is not smooth.

Heating tips

1. How to place the steamed milk stick?

For heating, many partners will ignore the position of the steaming stick and just put it on the filter tray at random. In the process of heating, the steaming stick is perpendicular to the liquid level and is on one side of the milk tank (of course, the position of the steaming stick in the tank can be moved according to the volume of the steaming stick, but the purpose is to make the bubbles tumble violently. )

When steaming milk, baristas need to keep an eye on their own milk cooking and adjust the position of the steaming stick properly, rather than leaving it on the filter tray.

2. What are the vertical benefits of steamed milk sticks?

The steamed milk stick has four air outlets, and the vertical position of the steam milk stick ensures that the force of the four air outlets to inflate the gas is the same.

Many partners will place the steamed milk stick obliquely when heating, which can also achieve the effect of violent tumbling of milk bubbles, but this heating method will have some problems.

We all know that milk can be divided into "high level" and "low level" when tumbling, and the length of our steaming stick when heated is not directly to the level of the milk tank, combined with the previous "inflatable" principle. If the steaming stick is placed sideways for heating, it is easy to come into contact with the "low liquid level" of the milk, which is accompanied by "inflation" in the process of "heating". As a result, it is easy to cook too much milk foam. Thus affecting us to pull flowers.

Cooking milk is also a basic and difficult skill, for different milk, different stores of the machine also need to constantly explore, practice and summary in order to cook a dense milk foam.

Hand temperature measurement skills of milking foam:

1. The most suitable temperature for milk foam

When the milk is foaming on the coffee machine, the most suitable temperature is controlled in the range of 60 degrees to 70 degrees. The reason is:

1. When the temperature of milk is lower than 60 degrees, the temperature of coffee will be much lower and the taste will be affected.

Lactose in milk between 60 and 70 degrees will be activated to make the coffee more fragrant, sweeter and smoother.

3, milk higher than 70 degrees, the nutrients will be destroyed, after all, milk will be more than water, softness and sweetness will become worse.