Coffee review

Old mantelin is old mantelin? Why wet planing?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Old mantning varieties: Caturra, Typica, Sidikalong Soil: volcanic soil Elevation: 1500m Treatment: aged bean treatment The most famous origin of Asian coffee is the islands of Malaysia: Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan. Sumatra mantning coffee from Sumatra, Indonesia, is the most famous, and it has two flavors.

Old Manning

Varieties: Caturra, Typica, Sidikalong

Soil: volcanic soil

Altitude: 1500m

Treatment method: aged bean treatment

The most famous coffee producers in Asia are the islands of Malaysia: Sumatra, Java and Kaliman. Sumatra manning coffee from the Indonesian island of Sumatra is the most famous, with two famous names, Sumatra mantenin DP first class and collection Sumatra mantenin. Sumatra Mantenin DP has a long aftertaste, with a hillside fragrance, which is unique to the earthy taste of the primeval forest.

The main producing areas of Indonesian coffee are Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi, of which "Manning" from Sumatra is the most famous.

Lintong is also known as Sumatran Coffee, Lake Tawa at the north end can be called Aceh Coffee or Lake Tawa Coffee, and the area between Lindong Coffee and Lake Toba can be called Manning.

Wet planing, also known as wet shelling Wet Hulling, also known as Giling Basah in the local language, is a traditional Indonesian coffee treatment. Judging from the name alone, the wet planing method is very similar to the wet treatment (water washing treatment). However, the cup flavor of the two treatments is very different. The coffee treated by the wet planing method is usually mellow and strong, and the personality is very distinct.

Why do you use wet planing?

Climatic reasons

The tradition of using wet planing in Indonesia starts with the local weather. Humidity in Indonesia is between 70 and 90 percent all year round, typhoons continue, and in some areas, annual rainfall can reach as much as 2000mm. You know, raw beans are most afraid of Rain Water. How did Indonesia overcome such bad weather conditions to produce rich and mellow Mantenin coffee? That is to rely on wet planing.

In tropical climates, coffee takes an average of 2-3 weeks to dry. In such a humid climate in Indonesia, dry coffee has become a big problem. Coffee must take longer to dry, during which time the coffee still maintains a high humidity, making it easier for bacteria to soak into raw coffee beans.

In the process of ordinary washing, the drying process is carried out with parchment to protect raw beans from external damage to a certain extent. However, we can note that the wet planing removes the parchment for the final step of drying, so that the sun shines directly on the surface of the raw beans, causing the coffee beans to dry quickly, 2-3 times faster than washing.

Aged bean treatment

Old coffee beans do not mean that coffee beans are not allowed after they have been kept for a long time, because coffee beans will rot after they have been kept for a long time, changing from fresh cyan to white, then to yellow, becoming dull, and even growing worms. Like aged wine, raw beans must be properly treated and stored for a long time before they can be called real [aged coffee].

The so-called old coffee beans (Aged bean) mean:

The natural aging of raw beans is achieved by prolonging the storage time (usually 2-3 years).

These changes include weakening of acidity, color change and thickening of beans.

The storage environment must be cool and ventilated.

The old Mantenin looks a little ugly, the baptism of the years will wear away the sour taste of Mantenin, increase its purity, and make the medium-depth taste more round.