Coffee review

What's the difference between hanging-ear coffee and capsule coffee? which is better, hanging-ear coffee or capsule coffee?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) a cup of intensive cultivation of good coffee, although it is a pleasure, but the reality is often not entirely satisfactory. Get up in the morning in order to sleep for a few more minutes, often can not even enjoy a comfortable breakfast, let alone go to the coffee shop to buy a cup of coffee to taste. So, at home

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

It is true that a cup of intensive coffee is enjoyable, but the reality is often not satisfactory.

Get up in the morning in order to sleep for a few more minutes, often can not even enjoy a comfortable breakfast, let alone go to the coffee shop to buy a cup of coffee to taste. Therefore, homemade coffee at home has become a good choice. The instant coffee sold in the supermarket is a mixture of cream, emulsifier and coffee powder. For coffee lovers, this taste is far from what they want.

In order to solve the conflict between time-saving and taste buds, people invented time-saving and delicious coffee-making methods such as capsule coffee and hanging-ear coffee. Put in a capsule, press a button or open the ear, pour hot water and wait for a while. You'll have some good coffee to drink... I have to admit, it's really super fast and convenient.

Capsule coffee

1. What is capsule coffee?

The name capsule is completely translated from the English name. The English meaning of capsule is capsule. Although it is a drink, it has a name like medicine. However, the name does vividly reflect the characteristics of capsule coffee, like medicinal capsules, colloid packaging contains powdered substances. The advantage of capsule coffee is that because the texture of the capsule wall is relatively hard and the prototype is well maintained at high temperature, high-pressure steam can be injected into the capsule, thus making the coffee completely precipitate with coffee fat under the action of pressure. full-bodied espresso, which can better ensure the aroma of the coffee.

2. The birth of capsule coffee.

The idea of coffee capsule was born in 1976, and it is specially used for capsule coffee machine. Under the leadership of Eric Favre, Nestl é launched the world's first coffee capsule product, Nespresso. As a coffee connoisseur, Eric Favre visited countless cafes in Italy and tasted thousands of cups of espresso coffee with different flavors.

He found a different way for his boss to make espresso in a coffee company called Sant' Eustachio in Rome. When he operated the espresso machine, he often pulled the handle because he thought the machine was malfunctioning, making a large amount of compressed gas into the cup, and was inspired to develop the coffee capsule products that people see today. And in 1986, Nestl é formally made its coffee capsule department independent, Nespresso SA was officially established, and the inventor / founder Eric Favre became CEO. Eric Favre left Nestl é in 1989 and set up his own independent coffee capsule company, MONODOR, in order to make the best of his life's work on coffee technology. In 2000, it began to cooperate with LAVAZZA to promote its coffee capsule technology and products.

The difference between capsule coffee and ordinary instant coffee is that it is extracted directly from coffee powder instead of emulsified cream coffee. The taste is more mellow, the coffee taste is very strong, which is very easy to distinguish from ordinary instant coffee. And the capsule coffee is isolated from the oxidation problem in the production process, which completely retains the freshness of the coffee beans, so the coffee is rich in oil foam and the taste is very smooth.

3. The advantages of capsule coffee

1. Capsule coffee is very easy to operate and is very suitable for lazy and novice coffee users. It can make a cup of fragrant pure coffee in the shortest time.

two。 Capsule coffee does not require special cleaning steps, just throw away the shell. And capsule coffee is more environmentally friendly.

3. Capsule coffee can better preserve the freshness of coffee, prevent the oxidation of coffee powder, and does not contain cream and other additives, but also makes the quality of coffee more stable.

4. And the general capsule coffee does not contain trans fatty acids, which can also make your coffee healthier.

Of course, the premise of all this is that you have a capsule coffee machine, the price of the capsule machine on the market is not very high, and it is very easy to operate, you can get a cup of delicious coffee with a button. Choose well, and you can also find the capsule machine you like.

Hanging-ear coffee

1. What is hanging ear coffee?

Hanging-ear coffee is a ready-to-use freshly ground coffee, which seals the ground coffee powder with nitrogen filling technology, and then completes the brewing of the coffee by dripping the original way. The taste of hanging-ear coffee is very primitive, it completely retains the sour, bitter, mellow taste of coffee, and is suitable for people who like the taste of very strong coffee.

2. The difference between hanging ear coffee and instant coffee.

The hanging-ear coffee consists of 100% raw bean ground coffee, without any other additives, and contains hundreds of healthy ingredients that can protect against liver damage, various cancers, asthma, heart disease and tremor paralysis. Drinking 4 cups of coffee every day is beneficial. People who do not drink coffee are more likely to suffer from these diseases than those who drink coffee. Research by the American Coffee Institute shows that coffee contains anti-dementia substances, which can reduce the effects of harmful substances on the body and help prevent some diseases.

However, "instant coffee" is not coffee, which is a common view in the traditional coffee industry. Instant coffee is a synthetic product of industrialization, and it is a good substitute for coffee in some specific circumstances, such as long-distance travel on trains and airplanes, rather than coffee in the original sense, because traditional coffee is enjoyed, from the grinding, cooking and filtration of coffee beans to the selection of utensils and different blending techniques. In the process of synthesis, the original nutrition and health ingredients of instant coffee are destroyed and disappear, although it also has the taste of coffee, but it has lost the rich nutrition and health care effect of coffee, as well as the thick cultural taste and atmosphere.

3. How to make hanging-ear coffee?

① tore the cue along and opened the bag carefully and neatly

After ② flattens and hangs the earbag, tear open the powder bag seal. Stretch the ear evenly and hang it on the mouth of the coffee cup.

③ prepare a pot of boiling water (the water temperature for brewing coffee is recommended between 85 ℃ and 95 ℃). It is recommended that pure water is the best. after the water is brought to the boil, leave it to sprinkle for about 1 minute. When pouring boiling water, pour hot water evenly into the filter bag (note that the speed should not be too fast, the water flow should not be too large, to avoid overflow). After the amount of liquid in the filter bag decreases, pour it again. When the coffee liquid in the cup reaches 7 cents full, it may be decided according to your taste. Carefully remove and discard the earbag.

④, please drink the delicious brewed coffee right away. It can also be seasoned with sugar or pure milk according to your personal preference. (flavor products are recommended to drink directly to avoid additives affecting the characteristics of individual coffee.)

In order to ensure the perfect flavor of each coffee, ⑤ recommends that each bag of coffee be brewed once and then discarded.

Both capsule coffee and hanging ear coffee have their own advantages, and it is a good choice to replace ordinary instant coffee. With so many introductions, what kind of coffee would you like to have pick in the end?