Coffee review

What is cola honey treatment? Honey treatment Coffee treatment what is the honey treatment of coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) the basic principle of honey treatment is to only harvest fully ripe coffee cherries and measure the sugar content of beans, at the end of each day during the mature harvest period, immediately concentrate the freshly picked cherries, remove the peel and pulp but retain the fresh mucous membrane in the bean epidermis

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

The basic principle of honey treatment is that only fully ripe coffee cherries are harvested, and the sugar content of beans is measured. At the end of each day during the mature harvest period, the newly picked cherries are concentrated immediately. Remove the skin and flesh but retain the fresh mucous membrane on the bean skin, and then spread it on the outdoor bamboo frame. It usually takes 10-12 days to dry, and the moisture content of the beans at the end of the drying stage is about 11%. Then wrap it in parchment and use a machine to remove the mucous membrane and clean the beans for bagging. Honey treatment can really solve the problem of huge funds for the construction of water treatment plants and sun-drying plants. Another advantage can enable remote and small farms to eliminate the problem of over-fermentation of picking fresh cherries during transportation, resulting in a decline in bean quality. This can really achieve small production and small-scale excellent farms.

Cola honey treatment. Honey treatment in the drying process by adding Coca-Cola to soak, compared with the traditional honey treatment, the flavor is more supple, nutty aroma, acidity becomes bright, this method is extremely low yield, expensive treatment cost, it can be described as the most precious experience on the tip of the tongue.