Coffee review

The Flavor characteristics of Coffee in Central America the name of coffee producing area and the flavor of coffee are introduced.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, The flavor of Central and South American beans: generally speaking, the flavor is relatively regular. The Brazilian coffee is mellow and full-bodied, while the Costa Rican coffee is gentle and supple, with a blend of sour, sweet and chocolate aromas. Panamanian coffee has strong aromas of citrus, jasmine, peach and nectar, bright and changeable acidity, very similar to Yega Xuefei. Colombia (South America)

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Senior coffee lovers know that coffee flavor is mainly distinguished by Africa, Asia and Latin America. Central American coffee flavor is the most balanced among the three continents. Among them, Brazilian coffee flavor will be more mellow and rich, Costa Rica coffee flavor will be more mild and soft. Panama coffee beans are famous for their rich citrus and jasmine flowers. Why is this? Then the next front street coffee to give you science about the more typical coffee producing areas in Central America coffee flavor characteristics of it.

Brazilian coffee

As we all know, Brazil ranks first in coffee production and export volume in the world. When it comes to representatives of Central American coffee producing areas, Brazilian coffee is naturally among them. However, there are not many well-known single-product coffee beans in Brazil. This is because Brazil's coffee bean processing mechanization level is high, which also results in the single flavor of Brazilian coffee beans. However, this does not mean that the quality of Brazilian coffee beans is not good, but because the flavor of good Brazilian coffee beans is too similar. Then everyone will naturally choose the best one among the similar flavors. In addition, because there are many kinds of coffee here, but its industrial policy is large and cheap, so there is not much premium coffee, but it is a good choice for mixing other coffees.

According to Front Street Coffee, the main producing areas of Brazilian coffee beans are Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, Bahia and Espiritu Santo, which account for 90% of Brazil's national production, among which Morgiana in Sao Paulo is the most famous, but the highest altitude producing area is not Morgiana, but Hilado and South Minas in Minas Gerais. Next, let's introduce the characteristics of these three most famous producing areas in Brazil.

Sul de Minas do Sul de Minas:

Altitude 700m-1200m, for the hilly forest, is the earliest production area of Brazilian coffee, due to the increase in labor costs, now mostly mechanical harvesting, but also the earliest commercialization of coffee areas, so you can see many large exporters are also in this forest, located in the north of Brazil Bahia production area mainly produces washed Brazil, near the sea Espírito Santo production area for Brazil Robusta varieties of the main export areas.


Covering 22% of Brazil's total area, the savannah is deep in Brazil's interior. Cerrado's Portugal meaning "closed place." The Hirado Prairie begins in Mato Grosso, in the southwest of Brazil, passes through the west-central part of Minas, and reaches the west of Bahia in the north. The Xilado coffee producing area referred to by the front street is not the whole Xilado grassland, but only the coffee growing area above 1000 meters above sea level in the central and western part of Minas Province, which can be called Xilado coffee producing area. This area is the essence of Xilada grassland, high altitude, fertile soil, only to grow sweet, mellow and clean quality coffee beans.


This area is very close to Minas South. Coffee is grown among shrubs, grass and other vegetation. There are many farming families in this area, some of which operate as traditional large-scale farms, while others operate on a small, modern scale. Modern technology blends mountain coffee culture to produce the highest quality green coffee beans.

The two Brazilian coffee beans that Front Street Coffee currently has in store are the red bourbon beans from the Sierra region and the yellow bourbon beans from Morgiana.

Front Street Coffee Brazilian Red Bourbon Coffee Bean

Country: Brazil

Region: Minas del Sur

Altitude: 1000m

Breed: Red Bourbon

Treatment: half sun

Flavor: Nutty chocolate cream peanut caramel.

Front Street Coffee Brazilian Queen Manor Coffee Bean

Country: Brazil

Region: São Paulo (Queen's Estate)

Altitude: 1400-1950m

Breed: Yellow Bourbon

Treatment method: half sun/sun

Flavor: Nuts, butter, peanuts, fermented fruit, sucrose.

Costa Coffee

According to Qianjie Coffee, Costa Rica's earliest coffee growing country has a long history. Volcanic soil is very fertile, and drainage is good, especially in the Central Plateau, volcanic terrain has fertile volcanic ash, moderate and suitable temperature, stable and abundant rainfall, become an essential factor for planting good coffee.

There are eight major coffee growing areas in Costa Rica: Valley Central Occidental, Valley Central, Tarrazu, Tres Rios, Orosi, Brunca and Turrialba. Tarazhu is the most famous coffee producing area in the country.


Tarazu is located south of San Jose, the capital of the country, and is one of the most valued coffee plantations in the country. Planting altitude is up to 1,200-1,700 meters, so the coffee beans produced here have excellent acid quality, hard and full body, rich aroma. It's like the famous Carnet Manor Musicians coffee beans from here.

Front Street Coffee Costa Rican Musicians Series Mozart Coffee Bean

Country: Costa Rica Fiscal year: 2003

Production area: Tara Pearl

Altitude: 1800m

Breed: H1

Treatment: Raisin honey treatment

Flavor: Currant sour berry fruity, fermented bouquet.

Front Street Coffee Costa Rican Musicians Series Baja Coffee Beans

Country: Costa Rica Fiscal year: 2003

Production area: Tara Pearl

Altitude: 1950m

Breed: H1

Treatment: Raisin honey treatment

Flavor: Fermented berry fruity tea

Front Street Coffee Costa Rican Musicians Series Beethoven Coffee Beans

Country: Costa Rica Fiscal year: 2003

Production area: Tara Pearl

Altitude: 1800-1950 m

Breeds: Kadura, Kaduai

Treatment method: washing treatment

Flavor: Citrus berry floral aromas with a hint of fermentation.

Panama coffee

Panama is located at the southern tip of Central America, bordering Colombia. Its coffee bean flavor characteristics are smooth taste, balanced acidity, pure flavor and full of characteristics, but the most famous coffee bean flavor in Panama is not as mentioned above, but more inclined to citrus citric acid from Ethiopia in Africa, because the rose summer variety coffee became popular in Panama, and the coffee bean flavor of the rose summer variety itself has strong floral and citrus acid, so even if it came to Panama cultivation, the flavor naturally will not change much.

According to Front Street Coffee, there are four main coffee producing areas in Panama, namely: Poquet, Volcan, Santa Clara and Candela. Among them, the coffee beans in the Boquet region are the most famous, especially the Emerald Manor, which promotes the summer coffee in the Boquet region.

The popularity of Panama Rose Summer Coffee is actually a coincidence. According to the relevant information of Front Street Coffee Search, it is known that the reason why Jaramie Manor can be favored by Peterson and his son is also the coffee beans originally planted, with pleasant orange fragrance and flower fragrance, which is different from the original taste of Panama Coffee.

So after cup testing coffee beans in different areas of the garden, they found that it was an unknown coffee tree growing at the highest point of the estate. Because of its low yield, the former owner only used it as a windbreak tree, and this tree is now known to coffee fans as the Rosedale Coffee Tree.

Peterson later discovered this rose summer coffee bean in 2004 to participate in the Panama Green Bean Competition BOP won the first place, all the way amazing, after expert identification, only to find that this coffee bean is Ethiopia's rose summer variety. Because of this, there was a wave of planting rose summer coffee trees in Panama. In addition, Emerald Manor also planted coffee beans of Kadura and Kaduai varieties. The flavor was also quite good. It had the most typical Panamanian coffee flavor performance. Next, Front Street Coffee would introduce several famous Panamanian coffee beans to you.

Front Street Coffee Panama Emerald Manor Red Label Rose Summer Coffee Bean

Country: Panama

Production area: Poquet (Emerald Manor)

Altitude: 1700 m

Breed: summer rose

Treatment method: sun treatment

Flavor: Citrus, compound fruit, rose tea, honey.

Front Street Coffee Panama Emerald Manor Green Label Rose Summer Coffee Bean

Country: Panama

Production area: Poquet (Emerald Manor)

Altitude: 1700 m

Breed: summer rose

Treatment method: sun treatment

Flavor: Jasmine, citrus, honeydew melon, berry.

Front Street Coffee Panama Emerald Estate washed blue label rose summer coffee beans

Country: Panama

Production area: Poquet (Emerald Manor)

Altitude: 1400-1500 m

Breed: summer rose

Treatment method: washing treatment

Flavor: lemon, oolong tea, sucrose, peach.

Front Street Coffee Panama Emerald Estate Sunlight Diamond Mountain Coffee Beans

Country: Panama

Production area: Poquet Emerald Estate

Manor: Emerald Manor

Altitude: 1400-1700m

Breeds: Kaduai, Kadura

Treatment: Solarization

Flavor: Citrus, bright acid, nutty, honey, fermentation, cocoa.

In addition, coffee beans such as Colombia and Guatemala are also very distinctive. Next, Front Street Coffee will popularize the coffee bean characteristics of these two regions.

Colombia coffee

Colombia is located in the northwest of South America. In this producing area, the status of coffee is very high. Colombia people call coffee one of the "four treasures", which are flowers, gold, emeralds and coffee. It can be seen that coffee Colombia plays an important role. And there are probably very few coffees in the world that are named after a country, like Mantning Coffee and Blue Mountain Coffee that are not named after a country. Colombia was the first to use its name as a brand of coffee.

According to Front Street Coffee, the main traditional producing areas of Colombia are concentrated in the eastern and central Corteira mountains, as well as Huilan, Cauca and Nalinglong in the south. Among them, the coffee beans in Huilan production area are especially famous, and it is also the production area that best reflects the original flavor of Colombia coffee beans. Next, Qianjie Coffee will introduce this production area.

Huila: Located in southwestern Colombia, Huila is one of the major coffee-growing regions, accounting for 12% of Colombia's total coffee production. Front Street Coffee Through the cup test, the coffee in the Huilan area has strong nutty, chocolate and caramel flavors.

Huilan Province is located in the south of the Central Mountains in the south of Colombia and is the most famous boutique coffee producing area in Colombia. This area is surrounded by mountains, at an altitude of more than 1500 meters, where the most important rivers in Colombia meet, thus bringing considerable water resources and moisture. Contrary to coffee aficionados 'impression of Colombia coffee's balance and smoothness, many smallholder microbatches of fine Columbian coffee are actually very characteristic of the region. For example, Isabella coffee beans and Huilan coffee beans in Qianjie Coffee Shop come from Huilan Province, but they are still different in flavor performance due to the influence of microclimate.

Front Street Coffee Colombia Huilan Coffee Bean

Country: Colombia Fiscal year: 2003

Production area: Huilan

Altitude: 1500-1800 m

Breed: Cadura

Treatment method: washing treatment

Flavor: Nutty, dark chocolate, caramel, soft fruit acids

Front Street Coffee Colombia Isabella Coffee Bean

Country: Colombia Country

Production area: Huilan

Altitude: 1760m

Breed: Pink Bourbon

Treatment method: semi-washing

Flavor: Cherry, citrus, floral, honey, fruit

Guatemala coffee

According to Front Street Coffee, Guatemala is located in the Central American Isthmus. There are many volcanoes in Guatemala that form mountains and plateaus, producing high-quality alpine hard beans in Central America. This is why Guatemala coffee bean flavor exhibits rich acidity and smoky flavor.

The main coffee producing areas in Guatemala include Antigua, Huehuetenango, Atitlan, Coban, Fraijanes, San Marcos, Acatenango and other producing areas. The Guatemala coffee beans produced are Arabica coffee beans. One of the most famous growing areas is Antigua and Vivetnam.


Antigua is located in the topographically mountainous region across Guatemala, dominated by the Madre Plateau. Because of the natural conditions of this region, Antigua has become the most famous region among the eight major regions of Guatemala. The plateau surrounded by active volcanoes, 1850 meters above sea level, is the country's most prize-winning and most famous production area.

At the same time, according to Qianjie Coffee, Antigua has little rainfall in summer and occasionally frosts in winter because it is too cold. In fact, it is not suitable for the growth of coffee trees. Fortunately, Antigua is located in an active volcanic zone. After the volcanic light stones ejected from the volcano fall into the soil and cool down, these light stones have many fine pores and are very easy to retain moisture. In addition, a large number of shade trees are planted in the estate, so that coffee trees will not suffer from cold damage in winter. These factors overcome adverse conditions. In addition, there is a great temperature difference between day and night. Antigua creates a unique micro-climate, so that the coffee beans here have a light smoky flavor and a strong fruity. Flavor: Sweet and sour balanced.


This area has the highest average altitude in Guatemala and belongs to the volcanic producing area of Guatemala. However, this area is rugged and remote from the capital route. Fortunately, dry hot wind from Mexico blows here, so that the Vivi Plateau can grow coffee fruits at 2000m.

Front Street Coffee Guatemala Flower God Coffee Bean

Country: Guatemala

Region: Antigua (La Minita)

Altitude: 1200-1600m

Breeds: Bourbon, Kadura, Kaduai

Treatment method: washing treatment

Flavor: Citrus acid, bright fruit acid, caramel, slightly smoky.

Front Street Coffee Guatemala Vivet Nango Coffee Bean

Country: Guatemala

Production area: Vivetnam fruit

Altitude: 1500-2000 m

Breeds: Bourbon, Kadura, Kaduai

Treatment method: washing treatment

Flavors: Nutty, lemon peel, berry, citrus

The above is the introduction to the flavor characteristics of several famous Central American coffee beans organized by Qianjie Coffee House. I hope it can help coffee lovers who want to know about coffee in relevant producing areas so as to choose coffee beans suitable for their own taste in the future.

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