Coffee review

Green label batch (still one of the main series of raw beans issued in the name of "Rose Summer Village Manor"

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Green label batch (Single Terroir) is still one of the main series of raw beans issued under the name "Rose Summer Village Manor", and it is also the cheapest of all the main series. The original text of the green mark series is expressed in Single Terroir, which succinctly points out the key points of this series and the main system.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Green label batch (Single Terroir) is still one of the main series of raw beans issued in the name of "Rose Summer Village Manor", and it is also the cheapest of all the main series. The original text of the green label series is expressed in Single Terroir, which succinctly points out the focus of this series. Like all the products of the main series, the green label series still has complete traceability information of "varieties" & "planting plots", so it is called Single Terroir.

In the internal grading system of Ruoxia Village, the flavor of the green standard batches still has the characteristics of varieties and plots, but in the internal cup test, it is considered that the flavor is slightly weaker than that of the gold and red standard batches. But this is the point, as we know, each market has different preferences for flavor, and it is still relatively early in terms of time for internal cup evaluation and grading, and many potential beans have not yet reached their full potential, especially when our team went to Ethiopia to do cup test selection in February and March. It can be said to take advantage of confession to grab a few lovely batches that we think should not be listed in the green mark. Let's take a look at several super-value selected green label batches that will be on the shelves this month:

Coffee beans taste different.

Sun Yega Chuefei has a hint of fermented wine, the bitter taste will be heavier, the taste will be more intense, honey sweet, cocoa rhyme with a hint of spices, body thick and lasting, rich texture and unique soft floral aroma brushed your taste buds, leaving an endless aftertaste, washed Yega Chuefei acidity will be brighter, like citric acid, taste more delicate, citrus flavor is more obvious, the latter part of some black tea. Both will have a sour taste, like lemon and citrus fruits.

The best way of cooking

Yejia Xuefei coffee beans, the most suitable for hand-brewing and siphon brewing, when grinding beans, you can smell the sun fruit, sweet taste is obvious. Among them, there is also the scent of citrus and jasmine, which is washed with water, which is full of aftertaste.