Coffee review

Why do coffee beans taste better in high altitude areas? Altitude and Flavor of Fine Coffee Bean producing area

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Why do coffee beans taste better in high altitude areas? Through the continuous research of coffee seniors, it is found that under the condition of the same gene of coffee beans, the flavor of coffee beans planted in high-altitude producing areas is better. I wonder if there are any former rural friends, have you ever known that apples, cantaloupes, grapes and other fruits are especially sweet in areas with large temperature differences between day and night? Coffee

Why do coffee beans taste better in high altitude areas?

Through the continuous research of coffee seniors, it is found that under the condition of the same gene of coffee beans, the flavor of coffee beans planted in high-altitude producing areas is better.

I wonder if there are any former rural friends, have you ever known that apples, cantaloupes, grapes and other fruits are especially sweet in areas with large temperature differences between day and night? The same is true of coffee, because of the natural conditions of planting at high altitude, the temperature difference varies greatly, and the growth rate of coffee beans is slow, thus more nutrients can be accumulated. The harder, compact, denser and acidic the xylem texture of coffee beans is, and the more prominent the flavor is. If it is a volcanic area, the mountain ash soil also has a better guarantee for the improvement of coffee quality. ​ said that the hardness of coffee beans at high altitude is higher, the reason is that coffee beans have more nutrients and longer fruit growth cycle, in fact, just like most plants, coffee beans themselves are the fruit of small shrubs, while coffee beans with relatively low altitude and fast growth rate have loose texture and are not resistant to high temperature baking. This is evident in the use of hand grinders to grind beans, such as Moyega and Kenya, which are more difficult to grind than those in low-altitude areas such as Brazil. It is because the beans are hard, and most of the high-quality beans are roasted about moderately, the wood fiber expansion is small, the hardness will be high, and some low-altitude coffee beans with deeper baking degree have high expansion, and it will be easier to grind.

Relationship between altitude and Flavor of High-quality Coffee Bean production area

​ altitude has no direct effect on coffee, but altitude can affect the growth, development and quality of coffee through the redistribution of meteorological elements (temperature, light, heat, wind speed, rainfall, etc.). Practice shows that the effect of altitude on quality has exceeded that of genes on quality. According to the measurement, the higher the altitude, the greater the acidity, the smaller the concentration; on the contrary, the smaller the acidity, the greater the concentration. Therefore, for friends who like sour taste and do not require high concentration, high-altitude coffee is very suitable for you, and it is your first-class choice; for those who do not like sour taste and require high concentration of coffee, the higher the altitude, the less suitable for you. The choice of altitude should be based on personal taste. So friends who don't like sour boutique coffee don't have to care about those expensive and sour coffee beans at high altitude.