Coffee review

What does geisha coffee have to do with geisha mountain? How to choose geisha coffee from different countries?

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) geisha coffee beans can be said to be the most famous and expensive variety of coffee beans in recent years! And this origin can be said to be the boutique coffee of Panama. As early as before 2004, Panamanian boutique coffee was not valued by the international coffee industry, but in 2004.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Geisha coffee beans can be said to be the most famous and expensive variety of coffee beans in recent years! This origin can be traced back to Panamanian boutique coffee. Before 2004, Panamanian boutique coffee was not valued by the international coffee industry. However, after 2004, "Geisha Coffee" was discovered and became famous. Repeatedly won the Panamanian national treasure bean cup test, all the way to 2007.

Although geisha coffee beans have flourished in Panama, after expert identification, the variety of geisha coffee beans actually comes from Ethiopia's coffee gene treasure trove, the Kafa Forest, or Gesha Moutain in southwestern Ethiopia, at an altitude of about 1700 Mustang 2100 meters.

The name Gesha may be strange to many people, but many people have heard its other loud name: geisha Coffee. Experts know that, in fact, Gesha coffee has nothing to do with Japanese geisha (Geisha in English) and gets this name only because this native breed was found in a forest near a town in southwestern Ethiopia in 1931, and the town's name, according to the local aboriginal pronunciation, is Gesha, recorded in English at that time, and deliberately avoided the same pronounced Geisha (geisha).

However, the coffee industry always likes to put some romantic color on its products for the sake of economic benefits. once Gesha became famous, gradually, the name became Geisha, and the "geisha coffee" was born. Now, even the Emerald Manor, which made Gesha famous, has changed to the name Geisha. I remember very clearly that Rachel Peterson,2010, the current owner of the Jade Manor, came to Taiwan (she was not yet the owner at that time, because her father Price Peterson had not yet retired at the time). At the symposium, she used Gesha to talk about this coffee, but when she came to Taiwan again in 2013, the word used in the symposium was no longer Gesha, but Geisha (geisha) ⋯⋯.

How to choose geisha coffee?

As the flavor of geisha coffee varieties is loved by many people, it has strong aromas of citrus, jasmine, almonds and mangoes, sweet nectar and bright acidity, which makes coffee countries compete to grow them.

But even if it is the same coffee variety, in different coffee growing environment, the flavor can be very different!

The unique climate, planting altitude, humidity, sunshine length, soil, growers, and even the whole process after picking coffee fruits in each region will seriously affect the flavor of coffee! There are obvious differences in the flavor of geisha coffee in places such as Panama, Colombia and Ethiopia.