Coffee review

Brewing parameters of Black Honey Coffee beans in Stonehenge Manor is it good to drink black coffee ice or hot?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Yesterday I just introduced the basic information of Stonehenge Manor Black Honey beans in Costa rica. today, many friends asked whether the hot taste of this bean is consistent with that of ice drink. Is it suitable to be a cold bubble or ice drop? Seeing that everyone was so enthusiastic about [Stonehenge Manor Black Honey], the editor went back to the store and immediately soaked a cup of cold soaked black honey. Let's try it tonight.

Yesterday, I just introduced the basic information of Costa Rica's [Stone Manor·Black Honey] beans. Today, many friends asked whether the flavor of this bean hot drink is consistent with the flavor of ice drink? Is it suitable for making cold bubbles or ice drops?

Seeing that everyone has such high enthusiasm for [Stone Manor·Black Honey], Xiao Bian returned to the store and immediately made a cup of cold soaked black honey. Try the unfermented flavor tonight! In addition, I extracted hot coffee and iced coffee with V60 respectively, as well as siphon pot and French press pot to see what kind of flavor would appear.

Now follow the small editor and simply understand the basic information of [Stone Manor·Black Honey]!!!

Stonehenge, Costa Rica

Country: Costa Rica Fiscal year: 2003

Manor: Stonehenge

Grade: SHB

Treatment: Black honey treatment

Altitude: 1700-1800m

Breeds: Kadura, Kaduai

About the Manor

Stonehenge is located in Brunca, southern Costa Rica. It is connected to Panama due to the terrain and mountains. It has a multi-dimensional micro-climate. Stone carvings of indigenous people unearthed near the estate from 200 BC to 1500 BC are called secret stone balls, so the estate is named after the stone.

Here's a look at the charm of this bean in different extraction methods!

(Flavor is a subjective feeling, for reference only)

【Hario V60】

Parameters: 15g powder/1:15/90℃/grinding VARIO-5O (Chinese standard No.20 sieve pass rate 57%)

Method: 28 grams of water steams for 30 seconds, direct central injection of water to 127 grams after the segmentation, see the powder bed and then inject water to 226 grams, see the powder bed remove the filter cup, the total extraction time: 1 '59 "

Flavor: strawberry, fermented aroma, raisin, citrus, nuts, almond, dark plum; taste comparison, rich layers, fermentation aroma obvious aftertaste.

[Siphon Pot]

Parameters: 20g powder/1:10/degree of grinding VARIO-6W (Chinese standard No. 20 sieve has a throughput of 45%)

Method: Put 210 grams of water in the lower pot, insert the upper pot tightly when the water temperature of the lower pot is 90℃, pour coffee powder when the water temperature of the upper pot reaches 92℃, stir to make the coffee powder fully contact with the water, stir again after 30 seconds to destroy the powder shell, remove the fire source for one minute, wipe the lower pot with a dry cloth to accelerate the speed of coffee reflux.

Flavor: lemon, citrus, fermented wine, plum, almond, hazelnut, cream, spice, blueberry; overall full-bodied flavor, will tend to nutty and ripe berry flavor.

[Magic Press Pot]

Parameters: 17 g powder/1:13/88℃/degree of grinding VARIO-6W (Chinese standard No. 20 sieve has a throughput of 45%)

Method: Direct water injection to 220 grams, stir 4 rounds, in 3 minutes to add a pressure rod to press down the coffee grounds, completely pour out the coffee solution time is 3 '31 "

Flavor: Cream, fermented fruit bouquet, strawberry, milk chocolate, vanilla, citrus, blueberry, cherry; overall feeling of strong juice, smooth taste, rich fruit flavor.

[Japanese Ice Hand Hario V60]

Parameters: 15g powder/1:10/90℃/grinding VARIO-5O (Chinese standard No.20 sieve pass rate 57%)

Method: Put 50 grams of ice in the sharing pot, then pour coffee powder into the filter cup, add 30 grams of water and steam for 30 seconds, then add water to 103 grams, see the powder bed and inject 150 grams of water, all the drops are filtered 1 '51 ", and finally add 50 grams of ice and shake evenly.

Flavor: cocoa, hazelnut, cream, lemon, durian, roasted almond, floral, oolong tea, strawberry, fermented aroma; overall feeling of sweetness is relatively high, fruit juice feeling obvious, sour soft.

[Cold Bubble]

Parameters: 20g powder/1:10/90℃/grinding VARIO-4E (Chinese standard No.20 sieve pass rate 73%)

Method: Direct drinking water directly into 200 grams, put into the refrigerator for 8 hours after filtration.

Flavor: Strawberry, blueberry, durian, fermented bouquet, lemon, citrus, cream, walnut; overall feeling clean, refreshing, sweet and sour balance.

total junction

Costa Rica [Stone Manor·Black Honey] This bean in the hot state, V60 extraction because of the conical drip filter cup and ribs to help drain, in the filter cup edge and filter cup center coffee powder will appear different extraction rate, so its extracted flavor will be more layered.

Like higher mellow, you can try a relatively simple immersion method of coffee extraction, the juice sense is more obvious; of course, the mellow degree of siphon pot is also relatively high, the flavor of its extraction will be more complete, biased towards nut flavor, this is due to its extraction process disposed at a higher temperature and temperature stability.

In the state of iced coffee, the extraction of V60 Japanese ice hand punch is rich in layers, sweet feeling will be more obvious, there is a mellow juice feeling, this is because the ice in contact with the hot coffee in the filter cup immediately cools down, the aroma is very good lock; Cold bubble extraction method [Stone Manor·Black Honey] taste is relatively fresh and clean, there are obvious berry and fermentation aroma, this is because it is soaked in a lower temperature state, relatively speaking, the extraction rate is lower.