Coffee review

What is the Roast Delta value? What is the use of the Roast Delta value of coffee roasting

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) what is the "Roast Delta value"? It is the "difference" between the Agtron value of your coffee beans and the grinding Agtron value. For example, you roast a bean for Italian coffee, 15 minutes after the bean is cooled in the oven.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

What is the "Roast Delta value"? It is the "difference" between the Agtron value of your coffee beans and the grinding Agtron value. For example, if you roast a spaghetti coffee bean and put it into an Agtron analyzer within 15 minutes after the bean is cooled in the oven, the Roast delta value of this coffee bean is 7.2.

What is the purpose of knowing the "Roast Delta value"? It's of great use! Please remember the following principles: for the same style of coffee beans with the same roasting degree, the smaller the Roast Delta value is, the more the flavor tends to be flat and the lack of three-dimensional sense and dynamic; the higher the Roast Delta value, the more vivid and dynamic the flavor is.

Through the target setting and monitoring of Roast Delta values, you can get the following information:

1) the baking properties, flavor characteristics and suitable use of this batch of coffee beans (Note 2).

2) check whether the RD value meets the goal set before baking?

3) is the baking curve control of this batch of coffee beans in line with expectations?

4) Dust collection bucket, pipeline, blower and static motor of coffee roasting equipment. Is it normal to wait? Or is there already a blockage that needs to be cleared?

Generally speaking, the roast delta value of medium to deep baked beans is between 4 and 10 early, and that of light baked beans is mostly between 9 and 16.