Coffee review

Costa Rican boutique coffee manor A cup test record of Genesis Manor

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow Coffee Workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) country: Costa Rica: West Valley processing Plant: Finca Genesis Genesis Micro-batch processing Plant altitude: 1700 m Variety: Kaddura / Kaduai Grade: SHB treatment: sun Cup Test record: "Genesis Manor" We again this year

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Country: Costa Rica region: Western Valley processing Plant: Finca Genesis Genesis Micro batch processing Plant

Altitude: 1700 m Variety: Kaddura / Kaduai Grade: SHB treatment: solarization

Cup test record:

Genesis Manor We re-introduced high-quality coffee from this estate this year, the famous estate that won the 2008 Costa Rican COE Cup, located in Lourdes de Naranjo County, Costa rica, is a completely organically grown coffee estate.

Genesis is a very special name, and the landowner Oscar and Olga Mendez says this is a new beginning for them. They grow their own coffee, handle their own coffee, and independently sell the coffee they are proud of. You will find it very strange that many powerful manors have a common feature, that is, "natural", that is to say, in order to make coffee drink "natural", the manors will try their best to make the planting environment "natural". But this requires effort and sacrifice, first of all, more primitive forests must be preserved, on the contrary, less planting will naturally lead to less yield, and there can be no pesticides and chemical fertilizers. There can be no herbicides, so we must pay more manpower, weeding, pest control and so on. .. . Of course, what you get is a "natural" coffee.

The first image of this coffee is "Super Sweet", which is amazingly sweet. From the aroma of ground biscuits, you can clearly feel the sweetness of a ripe fruit, honey, and strawberry cookies. The wet aroma with hot water is elegant with aromas of tea, berries, grapes and baked biscuits. The performance of the cup is obviously different from our traditional washed Costa Rican coffee. It has lower acidity and a more round taste. For beans treated with honey, it is super clean, which I think is quite rare. Strong and sweet honey lemon flavor, ripe juicy fruit, sweet dried fruit, biscuits, raisins, slightly fresh soil, an extreme "honey-treated" coffee!