Coffee review

What is bulletproof coffee? can you really lose weight? Harmful taboo side effects of drinking bulletproof ketogenic coffee

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) bulletproof coffee is made by Silicon Valley engineer Dave? DaveAsprey modified from Xizang buttered tea, he advocated the "bulletproof diet (TheBulletp)."

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Bulletproof coffee is made by American Silicon Valley engineer Dave? Dave Asprey, modified from Xizang buttered tea, advocated the bulletproof diet (The Bulletproof Diet) and published a book. The name for bulletproof coffee comes from Dave? Yaspree believes that after drinking, the body is like wearing a bulletproof vest, not only no hunger, but also a good spirit.

Why does bulletproof coffee make you thin?

The principle of bulletproof coffee to help you lose weight comes from a ketogenic diet, which greatly reduces the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet, consumes only a small amount of protein, and increases the proportion of fat in the diet, forcing the body to break down body fat to provide calories for life, allowing the body to enter a state of "ketosis", thereby achieving the effect of burning fat and losing weight.

Bulletproof coffee can help the body reach ketosis more easily, deplete the immediately available carbohydrates stored by the body, and allow you to quickly switch to ketone-consuming mode. If breakfast is served with other foods in addition to bulletproof coffee, and your overall diet is not adjusted, and your starch intake is the same as before, you will only drink a cup of high-fat coffee, you will fail to lose weight, and you may become fat.

However, I would like to remind you that although ketogenic diet can effectively lose weight, it is actually a high-risk diet. Some studies have pointed out that short-term use of ketogenic diet (within the first 4 weeks) Possible side effects: dehydration, 40% of people have gastrointestinal discomfort (nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea), 26% increase in uric acid, 15% increase in total cholesterol, 10% of people have low electrolytes (5% hypomagnesia, 5% hyponatremia).

Therefore, you must evaluate your physical condition before you proceed, and you must implement it under the guidance of doctors and dietitians. If carried out without authorization, it may cause ketoacidosis and cause kidney failure, affect brain function, coma and other problems. In addition, it is also recommended that ketogenic diet should not be used for a long time. Long-term ketogenic diet may bring burden to the body.

People who don't apply bulletproof coffee.

Many people have gastrointestinal discomfort after drinking bulletproof coffee. Although some studies have pointed out that the composition of deep-roasted coffee beans is different from that of medium and light roasted beans, such as N-MP and trigonelline, it may cause a slight difference in gastric acid secretion. But from a gastroenterological point of view, whether it is made from deep-roasted or light-roasted coffee beans, the caffeine content of deep and shallow roasted beans is actually the same, and caffeine is responsible for stimulating the dilating muscles between the esophagus and the stomach, causing a large amount of stomach acid secretion. In my opinion, if gastroesophageal reflux and gastrointestinal discomfort occur after drinking, such as a typical burning sensation in the chest, it is recommended not to do so reluctantly.

In addition, coconut oil and cream are high-fat foods. Theoretically, high-fat foods tend to burden the intestines and stomach and increase the number of bad bacteria in the intestines, so people with gastrointestinal problems, such as gastroesophageal reflux and gastritis, are not recommended to drink bulletproof coffee. People with heart disease, fatty liver or steatohepatitis, gallstones, high blood lipids (especially triglycerides), gout or high uric acid, and people who have suffered from acute pancreatitis are also not suitable for drinking.