Coffee review

Guatemala boutique coffee beans Antigua Flower God Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, La Flor del is the star product of La Minita Manor. La Flor del literally means "Coffee Flower". It comes from the high altitude in the center of the volcanic area of Antigua, has unique volcanic soil and shade planting, and lays a good foundation for excellent quality.

La Flor del is the star product of La Minita Estate, La Flor del literally means "coffee flower", it comes from the high altitude area in the center of Antigua volcanic area, has unique volcanic soil, and shade cultivation, good foundation for excellent quality planting.

Laminieta (La Minita) Manor provides the highest standard planting and treatment technology in the industry for Flower God, and directly sends special personnel to Guatemala to participate in quality control, and entrusts the largest and most equipped Bastor washing treatment plant in Antigua District.(Pastores mill ) to do a high standard of post-harvest processing, so this bean has an extraordinary excellent performance is not surprising, when the first introduction of Taiwan soon, that caused a hot rush, until today, there are still many fine coffee lovers named to buy Flower God, especially female friends are more like it sweet and sour and full of floral flavor.

The medium-roasted flower god blooms the unique flower fragrance and full fruit sweet fragrance of high-altitude excellent coffee when grinding, sipping the mouth, the fragrance sweet and refreshing fruit acid of citrus and mulberry fruit tea, compared with the famous fruit fragrance of Vivenan fruit and flower fragrance of Yejia Sherfie is indeed superior!

Flower God this bean is always amazing to drink, rich and varied aroma layers, let you eat like flowers bloom in the mouth, beautiful fruit acid brings bursts of sweet feeling, but also with the fruit perfectly distributed between the mouth and nose. After rhyme some slight smoky feeling or a fragrance like rice, so that the whole cup of coffee endless changes, drinkers mood for its happy.

Origin: Antigua, Guatemala

Grade: SHB

Treatment method: washing

Breeds: Bourbon, Kadura, Kaduai

Aroma: rich layers of flowers and fruits aroma, easy to have creamy sweet under baking, light and pleasant smoky flavor, the end of the rhyme has a rice-like fragrance

Palate: Excellent acidity and charming, sour and sweet as the main tone and rich layering, as refreshing as fruit vinegar; low bitterness, moderate body