Coffee review

A cup of coffee a day? As a coffee fan, you need to know these 5 things!

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) Coffee is the favorite preparation of office workers. Drink a cup before work or when feeling tired due to stress. It is simply a holy product. Compared with drinks with extremely high sugar content, black coffee is more beneficial to the human body, but everything is one and the same.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Coffee is the office worker's favorite concoction, before work or because of stress and fatigue when drinking a cup, it is holy. Compared with drinks with high sugar content, black coffee is more beneficial to the human body, but everything is good and bad on both sides. If you want to use coffee to relax your body and mind, the following 5 things you must know.

1. Coffee May Alleviate Stress-Related Health Problems

For sedentary office workers, drinking coffee properly every day is absolutely beneficial to health, because caffeine and polyphenols in coffee can increase the concentration of physical nitrogen oxides, stimulate vasoconstriction and dilation, keep blood vessels elastic, prevent thrombosis, and maintain the health of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems.

2. Coffee has a fat-reducing effect.

Many studies have shown that caffeine boosts metabolic rate by 3 to 11 percent, with coffee drinking increasing fat burning by 10 percent in overweight people and as much as 29 percent in thinner people. Coffee can increase the decomposition of fat in the body, reduce glycogen consumption, and also reduce energy and fat intake. Drinking one hour before exercise can promote strength, endurance and fat decomposition during exercise. This is because the caffeine component in coffee is absorbed into the blood by the gastric mucosa. After the fatty acid concentration in the blood rises rapidly, the free fat that is difficult to metabolize in the body will be consumed.

3. It is recommended to drink coffee in the morning

The main role of caffeine is to accelerate lymphatic metabolism, stimulate the central nervous system, fight drowsiness, if their sleep quality is relatively poor or very early to sleep, it is recommended to drink coffee in the morning hours, to avoid affecting sleep quality. Of course, in the afternoon can not resist the strong aroma of coffee, you can choose some low-caffeine coffee drinks as a seasoning.

4. Drinking black coffee on an empty stomach hurts your stomach and makes you fat

Coffee is rich in sugar and energy, fasting coffee not only hurt the stomach but also easy to gain weight. Coffee can stimulate gastric acid secretion, even if it is not drunk on an empty stomach, it will also be irritating to the stomach. Any doctor or nutritionist definitely does not recommend drinking coffee on an empty stomach. The reason is that the gastric mucosa absorbs caffeine very quickly on an empty stomach. With high concentrations of caffeine entering the blood, the heart and nervous system will be stimulated, resulting in dizziness, palpitation, chest distress, shortness of breath and a series of reactions. It is easy to cause stomach injury, thus affecting digestion and absorption. Severe cases can even lead to stomach ulcers.

5. Drinking black coffee in moderation is the healthiest

Even if there are many benefits to drinking coffee, don't overdo it. Generally speaking, do not consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per person a day, not only to prevent health and skin problems caused by excessive caffeine intake, but also to supplement sufficient antioxidant polyphenols to combat free radicals on the body and skin.