Coffee review

Coffee flavor factors [3] coffee powder amount on coffee flavor coffee flavor chemistry

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style) In any coffee brewing parameter scheme, coffee powder amount is a very basic variable, we will pay more attention to the adjustment of grinding scale, but it is possible to ignore the change of powder amount. It makes sense to fix the amount of powder--it's so that each cup of coffee that's extracted

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

In any coffee brewing parameter scheme, the amount of coffee powder is a very basic variable, we will pay more attention to the adjustment of grinding scale, but it is possible to ignore the change of powder amount.

It makes sense to fix the amount of powder-this is to make sure that each cup of coffee has the same consistency. However, for the same powder-to-water ratio, extraction time, and % soluble matter, the amount of fixed powder you choose needs to be adjusted based on the effect on flavor and extraction.

Select a powder standard

Is it OK to pick a random number before adjusting the powder amount?

Of course, we have to have our own references. First of all, know that the handle powder bowl you use is suitable for making single/double coffee, and set how much content you want to make. Depending on the amount of drink you want to mix, determine how much concentrate you need, which will effectively help you set the powder adjustment standard.

The amount of powder varies and affects three different variables: the vertical uniformity of extraction, the grinding scale, and the generation of channel effects in the cake. If you want to adjust the amount of coffee powder that optimizes aroma, then there will be a trade-off between these three variables.