Coffee review

Mysterious Sudanese Coffee and Sudan Rume Coffee varieties introduce how to drink Sudanese coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, For more information on coffee beans, please follow the coffee workshop (official Wechat account cafe_style) Sudanese people love to drink coffee. Wherever you go, wherever someone lives or by the side of the road, there is always a stall where local women prepare coffee for people. The three or five stalls are connected together to form a beautiful scenery. Their bodies

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Sudanese love to drink coffee. Wherever you go, wherever people live or by the side of the road, there is always a stall set up by local women to prepare coffee for people. The three or five stalls are connected together to form a beautiful scenery. Dressed in colorful clothes, they look very bright from afar. When he approached, he was dignified, generous and enthusiastic, and he seemed to have a shy and shy look in conversation with him, and he felt more and more agreeable. The commonplace coffee stands are actually part of Sudanese life. Sudanese women put a pot of water on a simple charcoal stove in advance. When they need to make coffee, they first pour the water from the pot into a part of an aluminum can with a handle, put the aluminum can on the stove and continue to heat it. When the water temperature is about 80 degrees Celsius, first add a small amount of powdered ginger, slowly stir it well, then put in the right amount of coffee, and continue to stir. When the coffee foams, the heat will arrive. At this time, pour the brewed coffee through a strainer into a cup with pre-added sugar, and you can serve.

Sudanese coffee has two major characteristics, one is powdered ginger, which makes its taste unique, and the other is that the coffee is processed and made by the local people. First stir-fry the coffee beans, stir-fry until charred, crisp and fragrant, then mash them into powder. Often Sudanese drink coffee, rarely add milk, and choose coffee with spices, cardamom, cinnamon style, are intended to drink rich levels, so it is called the mysterious Sudanese coffee.

Sudan Rume is basically a wild coffee variety, which was discovered in the southeastern part of the Republic of Sudan in 1942. From the pedigree of coffee, it can be found that Sudan Rume is an earlier variety than Typica and Bourbon. It was originally planted in Sudan and Ethiopia. Because of its excellent disease resistance genes, it is often used to mix with other varieties, so that coffee trees have better yield and disease resistance.

Although Sudan Rume has strong disease resistance, its yield is not high, and few manors are willing to plant this variety alone.