Coffee review

Introduction to boutique bourbon coffee: why is pink bourbon coffee rare?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) pink bourbon (Pink Bourbon) read the introduction of red bourbon and yellow bourbon, you can speculate that pink bourbon is named because the ripe fruit is pink! Pink bourbon is a very rare variety bred by the mixture of red bourbon and yellow bourbon. In the introduction powder

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Pink bourbon (Pink Bourbon)

After reading the introduction of red bourbon and yellow bourbon, we can speculate that pink bourbon is named because the ripe fruit is pink! Pink bourbon is a very rare variety bred by the mixture of red bourbon and yellow bourbon.

Before introducing pink bourbon, let's briefly talk about what bourbon is. Bourbon coffee was originally grown on the island of Reunion, which was also known as le Bourbon before 1789. Bourbon, along with Typica, is the oldest coffee variety in existence. The green fruit appears bright red when ripe.

Pink bourbon, as its name implies, its coffee cherries are romantic pink when ripe. It is a very rare new variety, which is bred by the cross between red bourbon and yellow bourbon. The reason why pink bourbon is rare is that it is difficult to maintain this beautiful pink, sometimes some orange bourbon will be harvested, that is because the color of coffee fruit is ultimately determined by the recessive genes in the pollen grains. Among the pollen grains we selected for hybridization, there are both yellow genes inclined to yellow bourbon and red genes inclined to red bourbon, and these are recessive genes, which are very easy to interfere with each other.

At present, pink bourbon can be seen in Colombia and Guatemala. Take this batch of pink bourbon coffee as an example, there are about 1800 coffee trees. Each tree produces about 1.8kg fresh fruit in the first production season. After peeling and pulp treatment, about 0.36kg coffee beans are obtained. In a normal production season, the output of this batch of coffee is less than 650kg.

Why is it so rare?

The main reason is that the yellow gene of yellow bourbon and the red gene of red bourbon are recessive genes, which are easy to interfere with each other, making pink bourbon not easy to produce. In addition, pink bourbon is very similar to immature red bourbon and is not easy to be recognized and mixed together, so the yield is scarce.

The disease resistance of pink bourbon is actually very good, and the taste is also very special. After drinking it, Stephen felt that there were some lily aromas and obvious lychee sweetness, which was very amazing.

Taste characteristics: sweet orange, sweet sugarcane, pleasant juice, small tomato