Coffee review

Do you know how to taste Rosa coffee beans to taste the flavor of Rosa coffee?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Rose Summer Coffee has won many prizes in international competitions because of its unique flavor, taste, aroma and other reasons, whether in international coffee competitions or in boutique cafes you usually go to.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (Weixin Official Accounts cafe_style)

Since Rosedale Coffee became famous at Emerald Manor in Panama, it has become one of the most expensive coffees in the world, even more famous than Blue Mountain Coffee. Coffee is grown all over the world, including Yunnan in China. However, the taste of Rosedale coffee everywhere is always not as good as Panama's Rosedale coffee, which is mainly due to Panama's microclimate. In other words, Emerald Manor's Rose Summer Coffee has always been imitated, but never surpassed.


How do I drink this expensive rose coffee? For drinking coffee, Qianjie thinks to taste from high temperature to cold, so as to taste the flavor of coffee at different temperatures, of course, can not be put too long, try to drink in about 20 minutes, because put too long, some bad taste in coffee will be amplified, taste is not so good to drink. How do you taste coffee that's so expensive, coffee that's so unique? Front Street believes that it should be carried out from the following aspects:

1, smell aroma-coffee aroma is full, rich, people feel fresh and happy.

2, taste-balanced, slightly sweet, bitter light, no astringency, clean aftertaste, long aftertaste.

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3. No defects-no defects such as cardboard, diesel oil, vinegar, scorch, smoke, etc.(flavor wheel).

4, the weight is suitable, the temperature is appropriate. A cup of correct coffee, hot aroma full, delicate and supple taste, gradually cooled at room temperature, flavor and taste although there are changes, there will be no defects, hot and cold contrast consistency, flavor stability.

Guixia Coffee

Ethiopia is the origin of coffee and has many varieties. The rose was discovered in a forest in Ethiopia, where it was less productive, tall, and difficult to pick, and was far less popular than the Kadurakaduai variety, so the rose was used as a windbreaker. It was introduced to Kenya and Tanzania from Geisha Mountain in southwestern Ethiopia in 1931, and then to Uganda and Costa Rica, before being introduced to Panama from Costa Rica by Don Pachi Estate in the 1960s and 1970s. In 2004, Panama Emerald Estate sent Rose Summer to participate in the National Coffee Competition (BOP) and won the championship in one fell swoop, defeating the excellent varieties of bourbon, kadura, kaduai and iron pickup in coffee, and winning the gold medal in the 2005, 2006 and 2007 Panama National Treasure Bean Cup.


Ethiopian Rose Summer Coffee

Although Ethiopia is the genetic home of coffee, the reason why the coffee beans of the summer variety are refined and elegant is due to its specific growing environment. Rose summer varieties are very "picky" about their growing environment. They need to be planted in areas with high altitude, cloud shade or plenty of shade trees and fertile soil to have rich and attractive floral fragrance, delicate and elegant fruit acid and tea-like sweetness. Ethiopia's Gori Gesha coffee is divided into three branches, Gori Gesha (GG): This variety replicates the genetic diversity within the Gori Gesha coffee forest. Illubabor Forest 1974 (IF): Discovered during an expedition to the Illubabor Forest in 1974, an antibody-producing strain was developed by the Ethiopian Research Center. Gesha 1931 (G31): A varietal combination of diverse forests, closely resembling Panama Gesha, selected by plant type, bean-type appearance, mesh size, and cup flavor.


The first two rosewood coffee beans and Panama rosewood coffee genes are completely different, and rosewood 1931 according to the official description of rosewood 1931 in terms of plant shape and cup test performance is closest to Panama rosewood, but in fact the degree of genetic identity is very small, so Ethiopia rosewood coffee and Panama rosewood coffee flavor can be said to be completely different.

Ethiopia, as the origin of coffee, has different coffee flavors in each producing area. There are more than a dozen coffees from Ethiopia's producing countries in Qianjie.

Panama Rose Summer Coffee

Panama's most famous is Emerald Manor's Rose Summer Coffee, and Emerald Manor's Boquet production area, in addition to the famous Emerald Manor, there are many famous Rose Summer Manor, such as: Elida Manor, Catawal Duncan Manor, etc. all produce high-quality boutique coffee. Panama borders Costa Rica and Colombia. The environment from east to west allows cold air currents to flow through the central mountain range and converge at an altitude of more than 1900 meters. As a result, a very unique microclimate is formed in the Boquete and Candela Piedra de Candela regions, which have very suitable temperatures and rainfall for plant growth. This microclimate region is the main source of Panamanian coffee. In addition to the climate, the fertile soil surrounding this area provides the perfect nurturing conditions for the growth of coffee, shaping a large number of unique, high-quality coffee. Panama's various factors make Rosedale coffee beans form delicate and elegant fruit acids and obvious flower aromas, and it is precisely because of this flavor that Panama's Rosedale coffee is popular all over the world.


Rose summer coffee flavor is excellent, in order to let more coffee friends taste the taste of rose summer coffee, the front street will be washed in the Boquet area of rose summer coffee as one of the ration beans.

Costa Rica Rose Summer Coffee

Costa Rica has grown coffee for nearly two hundred years. Coffee is an important cash crop in the country. The industry is very mature. Nowadays, there are also new estates. These estates have resources and are willing to grow coffee varieties in the summer. The most famous one is the rose coffee beans of Candle Manor. Such as the Costa Miraso summer coffee blend on the front street.


Front Street Baking and Brewing Parameters:

In order to highlight the characteristics and aroma of this bean, the front street is roasted lightly, so that the roasting degree can give full play to the characteristics of the bean itself, too deep will lose the flower aroma and fruit acid, of course, this should also be adjusted according to the characteristics of the coffee bean and the understanding of the roaster for the bean itself. Panama rose summer coffee beans have a very rich sense of hierarchy through the cup test front street, so it is recommended that the coffee concentration can be slightly reduced when brewing, so that all levels of rose summer coffee flavor is more clear, filter cup: Hario V60, water temperature: 91 degrees Celsius, powder amount: 15 grams of powder water ratio: 1:15, grinding degree: Chinese standard 20 sieve pass rate 80%.


Appreciate coffee

Appreciation coffee should be carefully tasted to appreciate its essence, no matter how the coffee is brewed, do not have to rush to drink. Smell the coffee first, then sip to try the original flavor, then add the right amount of sugar according to personal preference, stir with a small dam, take advantage of the stirring coffee vortex, slowly add coffee mate, let the oil float on the coffee, on the one hand, can keep warm, on the other hand, the heat of coffee can also evaporate milk fragrance.

A cup of brewed coffee, there are three stages to appreciate, generally divided into the first, middle and last three stages.


The first section refers to the taste of coffee brewing in the mouth at about 85°, good coffee should have fragrance, purity, strong, and smooth entrance; the middle section refers to the residual fragrance emitted by coffee at medium temperature, with experts saying that coffee is medium temperature in the mouth, which can be divided into more than 100 kinds of aromas, which vary from person to person; the latter section refers to the residual sweetness of coffee after cooling.

Step 1: Eyes

In terms of the appearance of a cup of coffee, you can use a spoon to scoop a spoonful to observe, good coffee should be clear and not turbid with luster; if it is espresso espresso coffee, it should have a layer of ochre cream, too dark coffee color represents excessive extraction, too light coffee color represents insufficient extraction, partial rice white is caused by extraction for too long, Cream too little represents coffee freshness may not be enough or grinding too coarse or filling force is insufficient and other factors.

Step 2: Smell

The second level of flavor appreciation begins with ground coffee. At this time, volatile aromatic substances are released in large quantities, and the dry fragrance of coffee powder is appreciated. It is best to use the method of "suddenly far and near", that is, to change the distance between nose and coffee powder from time to time.


Because the lightest molecular weight floral and fruity acid aromas, known as "fermentation" aromas in the cup, are highly volatile and will be released first, followed by the release of medium molecular weight caramel, nut, chocolate and almond aromas, but the dispersion distance is shorter than the former low molecular weight, so it should be slightly closer. Finally, high molecular weight rosin flavor, mercaptan and burnt incense, due to the heaviest molecules, the shortest fragrance, most of these odors are in the deep roast, need to face the nose close to the coffee powder above, easier to capture. When appreciating coffee, often change the distance between nose and coffee powder, more able to smell low, medium and high molecular weight multi-aroma.

However, some volatile aromatic compounds cannot be vaporized at room temperature and need to be brewed with hot water at high temperature to release aroma. This is the wet aroma of brewed coffee, which is the third level of coffee flavor appreciation. Appreciation, the same way to take far and near interaction smell incense. At this point, the fruity, caramel aroma of coffee, as well as the flawed medicinal, carbonized, woody and earthy flavors, will be more noticeable than the dry aroma in the performance of wet aroma.

Step 3: Taste

Dry aroma and wet aroma belong to volatile aroma, as for the coffee after brewing water soluble taste, that is, the fourth level of flavor, need to rely on the tongue taste buds to capture. Coffee intake, taste buds of sour, sweet and salty receptor cells, immediately capture water-soluble flavor molecules, in principle, all regions of the tongue can feel the four flavors of coffee, but the tip of the tongue to sweet, both sides of the tongue to acid and salty, tongue root to bitter more sensitive. These four flavors contain and compete with each other. If they are too prominent, they will inhibit or enhance the performance of other flavors, and even affect the taste.


Taste coffee, not only to drink, but also to smell, although there is no absolute good or bad coffee discrimination formula, but the front street thinks that it is necessary to drink more and practice more, it must be able to truly reflect the culture of coffee, experience the local flavor of coffee.

Front Street Brewing Coffee Advice:

For coffee brewing, Front Street has always believed that the freshness of coffee beans has a great relationship with the flavor of coffee, so the coffee beans shipped by Front Street Coffee are roasted within 5 days. Front Street Roasters 'motto is "Fresh Roast Good Coffee", so that every customer who orders coffee receives the freshest coffee. Coffee has a growing period of 4-7 days, so when the customer gets it, the flavor is at its best.


For friends who need grinding, the front street reminds you warmly: coffee beans are ground in advance, so there is no need to raise beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure generated by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor mellow, so you can drink a cup immediately after receiving coffee powder. However, coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because coffee powder oxidizes faster after contact with air, that is to say, the flavor of coffee will disperse faster, and the flavor of coffee will not be so good. Therefore, Qianjie recommends buying whole beans and grinding them now, so as to better taste the flavor of coffee.

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