Coffee review

Flavor characteristics of Yega Chefe Coffee-Sun Adado Coffee Yega Chefe Coffee-Sun

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat public product name: Ethiopia sun Yega Xuefei G1 snow map Yega Xuefei coffee sun Adado tropical fruit, dried raisins, smooth taste yirgacheffe adado producing area of Ethiopia Yega snow coffee gedeo area is a cooperative of 7000 coffee farmers, adado

Professional coffee knowledge exchange More coffee bean information Please pay attention to coffee workshop (WeChat public name: Ethiopia sun Ye Jia Xue Fei G1 snow map

Yerga Sherfi Coffee-Sunlight Adado

Tropical fruit, dried raisins, smooth texture

Yirgacheffe adado producing area Ethiopia Yegacheffe gedeo region is a cooperative of 7000 coffee farmers, adado is the tribal name of the region, that is, Gedeo zone is one of the regions of the Southern Ethnic States of Ethiopia, Yegacheffe and Kochore are in this area, and Yegacheffe region, the main producing areas are Aricha, koke, adado,Konga and michille,hama,tumticha. Beloya's estate is located in Kochore, and later joined the Yegashefi Coffee Cooperative Union.

Adado is an amazing micro-production area in Yegashefi. When the bag is opened, the air is filled with a large amount of blueberry and vanilla aromas. After baking and grinding, the aroma will explode again. This is a veritable blueberry bomb. The first bite is rich blueberry flavor with a hint of balanced fruit acids, typical of sun-baked coffee. The cup is sweet, full of soft, delicate flowers. Quite simply, this is an amazing cup of coffee, rich in fruit, sweet and delicate floral notes.

Recommended cooking method: hand brewing

Filter cup: Hario V60

Water temperature: 90-92℃

Grindability: BG 5R (58% pass rate of Chinese standard No.20 sieve)

Powder water ratio: 1:15

Brewing method: staged extraction. 30g water steams for 30 seconds, water is injected into the water with small flow to 130g, water is injected continuously to 225g when the water level drops and the powder bed is exposed, and the filter cup is removed when the water level drops and the powder bed is exposed. The extraction time is about 1 minute and 50 seconds.