Coffee review

Coffee filter cup evaluation: what kind of coffee filter cup is easier to use _ how to choose coffee filter cup

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) in fact, many lovers of hand-brewed coffee have attended a lot of sharing classes and talked about brewing knowledge. However, in the face of a wide variety of coffee filter cups in the market, many friends who like brewing will still be confused and do not know how to choose a suitable filter cup. Friends who like coffee are all

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

In fact, many lovers of hand-made coffee have attended a lot of sharing classes and talked about brewing knowledge. However, in the face of a wide variety of coffee filter cups in the market, many friends who like brewing will still be confused and do not know how to choose a suitable filter cup. Friends who like coffee know that the taste of coffee is affected by many factors, such as bean grinder, brewing equipment, water temperature, and the thickness of the powder. Let's talk about the evaluation of coffee filter cups today.

The filter cups we are talking about today are kono purple sand, kono plastic filter cup, ceramic version imitation kono, Taguchi protection Sanyo filter cup, Hario v60, blue bottle filter cup (second generation), kalita cake filter cup, bonmac ship filter cup and zero japan.

This time, the coffee liquid extracted by metal filter is used as the standard of "comparison", because it has no grooves and can better show the original tonality of beans.

Kono feels more suitable for deep baked beans, shallow roasting will be blocked, and the aroma will not be obvious, brewing often drank mixed beans will feel body thick, the entrance bitter flavor is very strong, almost no sour taste, but will return sweet, very similar to the Japanese favorite coffee taste. I drink a lot of coffee like this when I go to Kyoto Cafe. After cooking with special cotton filter paper, the aroma is more obvious than ordinary filter paper, the taste is slightly more refreshing, and it is not so thick. (deliberately catching gouache to test the difference of filter paper at 1:10), all in all, using this filter cup to boil deep-baked beans tastes like pure cocoa powder, no acid, full of cocoa or chocolate taste.

Taguchi filter cup brewed coffee liquid obviously feel sour, bitterness slightly suppressed, to put it simply, this filter cup extraction focus on and balance these two words, with metal filter cup extraction of coffee originally with a slight acid, but with kono filter cup extraction, the sour taste disappeared, cocoa incense became strong, while Taguchi filter cup can achieve a high balance of bitter fragrance characteristics.

Hario V60 and diamond filter cup are the kind with a big hole in the bottom and the flow rate is very fast. The aroma of the coffee liquid is strong, but I always feel that the body is shallow, and the fast flow rate may lead to insufficient extraction. It is too late to release the substance on the cell wall of coffee beans. Personally, I think this kind of filter cup needs good technology to control well, otherwise it is easy to flush out the thin coffee liquid. Both filter cups are used to tease shallow baked beans. If you like refreshing and good taste of coffee this filter cup is a good choice.

Take the above three classic filter cups as the description spindle, kono (0 points), Taguchi guard (50 points), Hario v60 (100 points), describe the taste of the following filter cups.

The Bonmac filter cup is also a short-ribbed filter cup with a flow rate between kono and the general long-ribbed ship filter cup. With the aroma of both kono concentrated alcohol and ship-shaped filter cup, the extracted coffee has obvious aroma compared with kono, bitter and sour taste can also be obvious after entrance, and the entrance has both aroma and rich feeling.

Both the blue bottle and the kalita filter cup are made of cake filter paper to enhance the sweetness of the mixed beans and the caramel aroma of the coffee beans with a slight sour taste and a light bitter taste. The taste is between Taguchi and Hario, preferring Taguchi.

The coffee brewed by Zero Japan is slightly sour and slightly bitter, but not as heavy as kono, and is also a partial equilibrium extraction filter cup. The taste is between kono and Taguchi, rather than Taguchi.

It is hoped that these can provide a basis for coffee lovers to buy, and have a little idea about the flavor performance of coffee filter cups, and different filter cup structures will have different extraction emphases. As a result, the coffee tonality extracted from the same beans with different filter cups will have different taste performance.