Coffee review

How long does it take for beginners to learn coffee flower drawing? what is the simplest pattern of coffee flower drawing?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) first, solve the definition problem, what is coffee Latte Art? There are two types: one is Free Pour, which pulls out the pattern while pouring foamed milk into espresso, and the other is Etching, which mixes the latte.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

First of all, to solve the definition problem, what is coffee Latte Art? There are two types:

One is Free Pour, which "pulls" the pattern while pouring foamed milk into espresso.

One is Etching, which uses accessories such as chocolate sauce and toothpicks to "carve" directly on the foam on the surface of the latte after making the latte.

Novice learning

The amount of Espresso powder in a single serving is 7 to 10 grams of coffee powder, and the double serving is 14 to 20 grams. According to the maximum powder capacity of the powder bowl and the formula of the coffee shop, we usually use 20 grams of powder to concentrate 40 grams.


Cloth powder


Pressing powder

Beginners often fail to master the strength, but the pressure of coffee cakes is uneven.

1. The action of leveling with light strength, that is, the powder hammer and the powder bowl should be parallel to ② leveling before it is really forced to press the coffee cake so that the surface of the coffee cake is smooth and smooth and will not fall from the powder bowl.


Extraction concentration

Apply a pressure of 9 and brew espresso in 20-30 seconds.

1. Too rough grinding: if the flow rate is too fast, more than 60 milliliters of coffee liquid may be extracted in less than 20 seconds; the concentrated color is light yellow, the texture is thin, and the maintenance time of oil is very short; the taste is high acidity, simple taste and heavy water feeling.

two。 Over-fine grinding: the flow rate is very slow, more than 30 seconds of extraction time, can not extract more than 50 ml of coffee liquid; the color is dark brown, thick; taste bitter, irritating. After the extraction, "a depression of water" is likely to appear on pressed powder, because the water can not pass smoothly through the powder layer and is silted on the surface of pressed powder.


Beat milk foam

What kind of milk foam is qualified milk foam? One: the milk foam is delicate, long-lasting and not easy to defoaming! Second: after hitting the milk foam, the surface of the milk is as smooth as a mirror, such as a mirror reflection.

Play milk foam | four criteria for making dense milk foam. How to solve the problem of layered milk foam?


Pull flower decomposition step: ①. 1But 3 selected points to inject, coffee cup tilt 10-15 degrees, first raise the vat about 10 centimeters into the milk foam to pierce the grease.

②. If you lower the bottle, you can hold the mouth of the jar close to the mouth of the coffee cup and keep the flow rate shaking left and right. When shaking, it is appropriate to control the flow rate of the flower to the Z-shaped shaking distance of about 1cm to form a sense of foam layer.

3. At this time, as the flower jar continues to shake the heart will continue to increase, pay attention to maintain the foam flow at this time. When shaking, do not pull the vat back, when the grease will automatically form a round shape.

④. With the increase in the number of milk bubbles in the cup, slowly flatten the cup when injected. The purpose of shaking the vat left and right is to increase the layering of the heart shape. The more times we shake left and right, the more layers we will have, the more beautiful the flower will be.

⑤. When the cup is filled with 8 minutes of milk, put the coffee cup flat, ready to increase the flower jar, and reduce the amount of milk foam at the same time.

⑥. Raise the vat with a small flow when it is nearly 9 minutes full, and at this time the injection point is the center of the heart.

⑦. Increase the flower jar and reduce the flow rate and amount of milk.

⑧. The foam takes in a small flow from the centerline to the end of the cup, and a standard cappuccino must make the coffee liquid about 0.5 cm higher than the mouth of the cup so that it is full without overflowing.

⑨ . At this point you will find that the foam in the coffee cup thickness of 1-1.5 cm. Congratulations on the perfect cup of coffee.

Novice learning depends on individual understanding and frequency of practice. The simplest pattern of pull flower is round, round pull flower can be formed by injecting milk foam at one point, so it is the simplest, but round is helpful for the advancement of other pull flower, that is, round is a foreshadowing.