Coffee review

Introduction to the characteristics of Yunnan small seed coffee beans the flavor and taste of Yunnan hand-made coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, [scientific name] small grain species are CoffeaarabicaL., medium grain species are Coffeacanephora, large grain species are Coffealiberica family genus: Rubiaceae Coffea [alias] small grain species, also known as Arabian species, medium grain species also known as Gaffra species, large grain species also known as large seed species

Yunnan small seed coffee is also known as Arabica seed coffee (coffea arabica L.). In the 1950s, the leading varieties in Baoshan City of Yunnan were typica, bourbon and S288. The oldest of them is Typica, which tastes pure and elegant, but its yield is low and its disease resistance is weak, so it is easy to blight. So Yunnan introduced the Katim variety (Catimor), which can be planted densely and has strong disease resistance, and has become the most common coffee variety in Yunnan. So we often say "Yunnan small grain", actually more refers to the Katim coffee beans in Yunnan.


In 1959, scientists in Portugal created a small plant coffee that is resistant to diseases and pests, while growing well at low elevations and achieving high yields. in other words, Katim is cultivated as a "commercial bean". Although Katim has realized its commercial value to some extent, the quality of the cup test is often questioned, that is, there are flaws in the flavor. So Katim is largely ignored, and some manufacturers are even reluctant to label Katim. So what caused Katim to have such shortcomings?

Katim is a hybrid of Kaddura and Timor. Kaddura is a natural mutant of the acclaimed bourbon species and is often a "regular" in a variety of boutique coffee competitions, such as Kaddura in dozens of home-baked coffee beans on Front Street. Tim, a natural mating species of Robusta and Arabica, was discovered on the island of Timor in Southeast Asia in the early 1900s. Robusta's taste is notoriously unlikable, the taste is mainly bitter and strong, but it has high disease resistance, cold and heat resistance and high yield. So Katim also inherited some of the above characteristics, higher survival rate, fruit hanging rate, short maturity, naturally more favored by farmers and producers.


In the past, Yunnan farmers did not accumulate a lot of mature experience in coffee cultivation. Katim was planted at a lower altitude, coupled with rough handling, and the coffee produced was of mediocre quality and was mostly purchased for commercial instant coffee. With the popularization of fine coffee culture in China, many coffee people and researchers have begun to invest in planting in Yunnan producing areas, constantly controlling coffee diseases and insect pests, shading trees, maintaining soil and water, planting altitude, and fresh fruit picking and handling methods to improve the quality of coffee. Today, the professional production of Yunnan Katim coffee can also show a good aroma and cleanliness.

When Qianjie launched Yunnan coffee rations and beans, after many cup tests and comparisons, Katim coffee washed in Baoshan production area was selected as the facade representative of Yunnan coffee, launched in 100 grams of small packaging, so that everyone can have a taste of "Yunnan." Qianjie from this Yunnan rations beans feel a relatively balanced taste, with a little nutty and a little plum fruit aroma, as well as brown sugar-like sweetness, the overall peace.


Most coffee farmers in Yunnan are in difficult conditions and do not have high-priced processing equipment, so the vast majority of Yunnan coffee beans are treated naturally, that is, washing and solarization. The reason why we choose Yunnan small grains washed in water, Qianjie thinks that the cleanliness of washed coffee beans is better, and it can express the basic flavor and tonality of the producing area, which is also a kind of natural treatment that Qianjie especially likes. In addition, Yunnan is rich in fresh water resources, and it is easy to encounter rainy days in the harvest season, so it is not good to use solarization in large quantities.


If you like Yunnan coffee in the sun, Qianjie 2013, a Yunnan small-grain coffee from Lincang, Yunnan Province, is an elegant tin card variety with natural sun treatment. Affected by the warm and humid air flow in the Indian Ocean and the southwest monsoon, Lincang, Yunnan Province has no obvious distinction between the four seasons, but there are two distinct seasons of drought, with more Rain Water, long sunshine, short frost period, frost-free in some areas and obvious three-dimensional climate, which is very suitable for growing Arabica coffee. Qianjie specially selected the most primitive tin card, which has a rich and diverse flavor, showing a variety of fruit acidity and delicate taste, which is recognized as a high-quality variety. The famous Blue Mountain Coffee and Hawaiian Kona Coffee all belong to Iron pickup.

Whenever November comes, the coffee fruits planted in Qianjie are also ripe one after another. Qianjie will arrange for workers to pick red coffee cherries one by one, spread them in the sun and dry them naturally, turning them irregularly to let them dehydrate evenly, so as to avoid the negative taste of excessive fermentation. Until the coffee beans are dehydrated to purplish red and reach the target moisture content, they are sent to be shelled and baked. The tanned tin card shows a fuller fermented flavor with outstanding sweetness, with aromas of caramel, berries and black tea.


After buying roasted Yunnan coffee beans, some friends don't know how to extract them. First of all, Qianjie believes that the freshness of coffee beans is very important, because roasted coffee beans will have the best taste period, if the aroma peak, the flavor will be difficult to extract. The beans shipped in Qianjie are freshly baked within 5 days, in the hope that everyone can enjoy the most complete taste period.

Hand punch parameters of front street:

Filter cup: hario v60

Powder content: 15g

Water temperature: 90 degrees Celsius

Degree of grinding: pass rate of No. 20 screen 75%

Gouache ratio: 1:15


Three-stage water injection: wet the powder bed with twice as much water as coffee powder to form a drum and steam for 30s, then fill the small water from the inside to the outer circle to 125g, wait for the powder bed to drop to half of the filter cup, and continue to inject the same fine water into the third section to 225g, until all the coffee liquid has been filtered and remove the filter cup for about 2 minutes.


Qianjie Yunnan small grain grain bean coffee flavor: smell very nutty, entrance has herbs, chocolate, caramel, finish with a touch of fruit acid, the overall taste is balanced, with a good cleanliness.

Qianjie 2013 Sun Iron pickup Coffee flavor: dry powder shows the aroma of caramel, nuts and citrus, chocolate, fermentation and berries at high temperature, the acidity of plums as the temperature drops, and the sweet finish of black tea and sugar cane. Medium to high alcohol thickness, taste clear, rich and varied layers.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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