Coffee review

What are the characteristics of hand-brewed coffee? what is the difference between hand-brewed coffee and American coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information Please pay attention to the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) hand-brewed coffee can be said to be the most basic and simple way of making fine coffee. There are no complex machines, just hot water, filter and coffee. A cup of fresh coffee can be brewed in just a few minutes. So the question is, what is hand-made coffee?

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

Hand-brewed coffee can be said to be the most basic and simple way of brewing fine coffee. There are no complex machines, just hot water, filter and coffee. A cup of fresh coffee can be brewed in just a few minutes.

So the question is, what is hand-made coffee? Simply order water, hand-brewed coffee is to pour hot water into a small-mouth pot, then the thin-mouth pot controls the flow, and then hits the coffee powder on the filter cup to extract the essence of the coffee powder. Because you have to use the way of hand brewing in a small pot, as the name implies, it is called hand brewing coffee.

Hand brewing is also the most exciting part of boutique coffee, by adjusting the different parameters of brewing, including: grinding degree, water temperature, water speed and time, enough to change the final taste of coffee.

Although the equipment of hand-brewing coffee is simple, but the operation which looks easy and highly similar actually contains the possibility of various tastes, even the coffee brewed by the same person every time is not exactly the same taste.

Hand coffee, no external interference, through the filter paper filter extraction of coffee, can better show the natural taste, coffee tastes more palatable, more layered.

A perfect cup of hand-brewed coffee requires not only a skilled brewing technique, but also a delicate grasp of various factors, such as the variety of coffee, the amount of coffee beans, the degree of grinding, water temperature, water quality, water flow, extraction time, the technique and timing of water injection, and even the preferences of drinkers, to adjust the brewing mode, so that coffee always presents a perfect balance of sweet, sour, bitter, mellow and fragrant in front of people.

The difference between handmade coffee and American coffee

The main genres of hand-brewed coffee are American brewing and Japanese brewing. The characteristic of American brewing method is as simple and rough as American cowboy, like big current, strong water column, fine grinding, simple and rough, stirring at the same time to quickly extract the internal flavor of coffee.

Japanese coffee is mostly made in a variety of ways, such as volcanic brewing, one-knife flow, two-knife flow, Matsuya brewing and various drip methods. At the same time with a variety of trapezoid, cake cups, flannel and other filter cups, low water temperature, but also with sieving fine powder and other ways.

English name: American Coffee English name: Cafe Americano espresso: water = 1:2 characteristics: lighter taste, lighter color

The American style is that the water-rich Espresso (espresso) tastes lighter and less bitter. Americans like its simplicity and convenience.