Coffee review

Columbia Rose Valley anaerobic double enzyme washing Fine Coffee Bean Variety Manor Flavor

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Professional Coffee knowledge Exchange more information on coffee beans Please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style) Colombian Coffee is one of the few individual coffees sold in the world under the name of the country. In terms of overall quality, it has won praise unmatched by other coffee. Compared with other producing countries


After the products with peach oolong flavor became popular in the past two years, many friends came to the front street to ask if there were any peach-flavored coffee beans. Yes! The barista in front street immediately moved out of the Rose Valley from Colombia and opened the lid, and everyone's reaction was very consistent. "Wow, I'll take this!" It smells good! " In front of this article, let's talk about this sweet and attractive rose valley coffee bean.


The Rose Valley of the front street coffee comes from the Tree Manor in the Santander region of Colombia. Santander is located in northern Colombia, west of Magdalenaho, planting about 1400-1600 meters above sea level, covering an area of 30537 square kilometers. Santander, a very important but rarely mentioned province in Santander, is actually the first province in Colombia to start growing coffee and now accounts for about 5% of Colombia's coffee production. Qianjie coffee has passed the cup test, and the coffee beans in this area are famous for their strong taste, long aftertaste and unique vegetation and fresh flavor.

Vargas, the owner of Dashu Manor, has been growing coffee on Dashu Farm for 20 years. For the coffee fruit treated in Dashu Manor, only the fully ripe coffee fruit with bright red appearance was selected for picking, and the defective floating beans were removed by washing, and the defective floating beans were fermented twice and fermented in special enzyme groups. at the same time, we also pay great attention to the drying process of coffee beans, avoid excessive temperature during drying, and adopt a slow drying method. Coffee bean treatment

In the introduction of Uncle Manor in Qianjie just now, the double anaerobic enzyme fermentation treatment was briefly mentioned. Anaerobic fermentation is one of the most widely used treatment methods in recent years. It is modelled on the treatment of red wine by injecting carbon dioxide into an airtight container to squeeze out the oxygen, slowing down the decomposition of sugar in coffee pectin in an oxygen-free environment, and the PH value decreases more slowly. prolong the fermentation time to develop a better sweetness and a more balanced flavor.

Anaerobic double enzyme washing is on the basis of anaerobic washing, plus special enzymes for secondary anaerobic fermentation. After the coffee fruit is removed from the anaerobic environment, the peel and pulp of the coffee fruit is removed by the machine, and the coffee beans with pectin are put into an anaerobic environment in a plastic bag or other sealed container for another anaerobic fermentation. The treatment method which has experienced the above two anaerobic fermentation is called double anaerobic fermentation. Coffee bean variety

Kaddura (Caturra) Kaddura is a natural variety of bourbon. It was found on a plantation in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais between 1915 and 1918. There is a mutation in a group of genes in bourbon planted in the plantation, causing plants to grow smaller (similar to dwarfism). This variety is suitable for planting in the high altitude area from 700m to 1700 m. It has strong adaptability to altitude. The higher the altitude, the better the flavor, but the productivity is relatively reduced.

Qianjie Coffee Baking record

In order to show the sweet peach flavor of this rose valley, Qianjie decided to bake it into medium and shallow baking. The roaster uses Yangjia 800N with 500g soybeans. Enter the bean temperature 180 ℃, the initial firepower is 130, the throttle is 3, when the firepower is 140 ℃, the firepower will remain unchanged, the throttle will be opened to 4, at this stage, the bean slowly changes from green to yellow, the grass smell of the original raw bean slowly disappears and goes into a state of dehydration. 25 "is when the beans turn yellow, and now the beans have the sweet smell of baking bread. At 180 ℃, the firepower will be reduced to 100, and the throttle will not change to 4.


At 9 & # 39 × 38 ", ugly wrinkles and black markings appear on the bean surface, and the smell of toasted bread obviously turns into coffee, which can be defined as a prelude to an explosion. At this time, it is necessary to listen carefully to the sound of a burst point. When the sound of the explosion point begins to explode, the throttle opens to 4, and the development after the explosion is 1: 39. 50196 ℃ into the pot, taking into account the Colombian anaerobic sun and night moon this bean is anaerobic sun, dehydration time as far as possible to let it take off to 9 minutes-9 minutes and 30 seconds, let the beans thoroughly, in order to avoid entrapment and other conditions. After one explosion, it developed to 1: 50196 ℃. Coffee cup test report on Qianjie

Qianjie Coffee will be tested within 8-24 hours after the sample beans are roasted. The cup commonly used by baristas in front street is a ceramic bowl with a capacity of 200ml. The water temperature used in the cup test is 94 °C, the grinding degree is controlled as 20 standard screen (0.85 mm), and the passing rate is 70% Mel 75%. Ratio: 11.1 grams of coffee powder plus 200 milliliters of hot water, that is, 18.18, so that the concentration of extraction happens to be within the range of 1.15% Murray 1.35% gold cup, and the soaking time is 4 minutes.


Dry fragrance: rose, peach

Wet fragrance: peach

Flavor: wine chocolate, roses, cranberries, peaches, cream Qianjie coffee brewing suggestion

Pay attention to the degree of grinding

Because Rose Valley is an anaerobic coffee bean, its grinding scale is different from that of traditionally treated coffee beans. If you are accustomed to grinding anaerobic beans with the traditional grinding scale of coffee beans, the particle size will actually be thicker than that of conventional coffee beans.

For example, Columbia coffee beans in Qianjie use EK-43s 's 10-scale grinding and washing, and the screening rate is 80% measured with No. 20 sieve. It is also suitable for 10-scale grinding of Rose Valley, and the over-sieving rate is 75% with No. 20 sieve. If the degree of grinding of Rose Valley is to reach 80% of the thickness of the screening rate, the grinding scale needs to be adjusted. Therefore, when brewing a strange coffee, do not replace it directly according to the usual degree of grinding, it is best to use a sieve to calibrate the degree of grinding, which is the most reliable.


-Water temperature problem

Rose Valley coffee bean quality is relatively loose, good water absorption capacity, easy to release coffee substances. Therefore, Qianjie recommends that the initial water temperature be controlled at 90-91 degrees Celsius. Too high water temperature is easy to make coffee bitter, while too low water temperature makes coffee taste low and dull.


-how to cook it

Cooking parameters only need to pay attention to the degree of grinding and water temperature, other parameters as usual, powder amount of 15g, the ratio of 1:15.

In the steaming stage, the anaerobic treatment of coffee beans has obvious effect of water absorption, expansion and exhaust, so it is easy to be oversteamed, which is characterized by a lot of voids on the surface of steamed hamburgers. Therefore, the steaming time is not necessarily fixed for 30 seconds, and the steaming state can be observed concretely. After the coffee burger expansion, the state remains unchanged for 3 seconds before water injection. The time is about 25-30 seconds.

In front of the cooking technique, it is recommended to use three-stage style, first steaming the amount of water injected into 30ml, the second stage injecting water into 120ml, and the third stage injecting water into 75ml. The normal extraction time is about 1 minute and 40 seconds.


Brewing flavor: amazing peach characteristics, accompanied by rose and wine chocolate aromas, fragrant, the entrance is like drinking peach juice. It not only has the sweet and sour taste of black grapes, but also has the silky taste of cream taffy.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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